
  • 0 a suggestion or plan for doing something -- 意见,想法,主意;计划

    • It's not a good idea to drive for hours without a rest. 连续开车几个小时都不休息不是个好主意。

    • [ + to infinitive ] It was Kate's idea to hire bikes. 租自行车是凯特的主意。

    • She's full of bright (= good) ideas. 她满脑子好点子。

    • I like the idea of living in the countryside but I'm not sure I'd like the reality. 我觉得住在乡村的想法很好,但我不肯定是否喜欢这样一种现实。

    • That's when I first had the idea of starting (= planned to start) my own business. 那是我首次有了自己创业的想法。

    • If you have any ideas for what I could buy Jack, let me know. 我给杰克买什么东西好,如果你有什么主意请告诉我。

    • "Let's go swimming." "That's a good idea!" “我们去游泳吧。”“好主意!”

    • I've had an idea - why don't we go to the coast? 我有个主意——我们为什么不去海滨呢?

  • 1 an understanding, thought, or picture in your mind -- 了解,明白;概念,构想

    • "Where's Serge?" "I've no idea."

    • I've got a pretty good idea why they left early. 我很清楚他们为什么早早就离开了。

    • [ + question word ] I haven't the slightest/faintest idea where they've gone. 我根本不知道他们去了哪儿。

    • I don't like the idea of living so far away from my family. 我不喜欢生活在离家这么远的地方。

    • Can you give me an idea of the cost (= can you tell me approximately how it costs)? 你能告诉我费用大致是多少吗?

    • Do you have any idea of what he looks like? 你知道他长什么样吗?

  • 2 a belief or opinion -- 信念;见解

    • I'm not married - where did you get that idea (= what made you believe that)? 我没有结婚——你这想法是从哪儿来的?

    • [ + that ] Dr Leach puts forward the idea that it is impossible to spoil a child. 利奇提出的观点是,宠坏孩子是不可能的。

    • We have very different ideas about disciplining children. 我们对于如何管教孩子看法大不相同。

  • 3 a purpose or reason for doing something -- 目的;理由



  • An interesting observation was suggested, relating this method to contemporary ideas of deconstructivism and eclecticism.

  • The basic ideas behind the translation are as follows.

  • Our goal was to present new ideas or otherwise significantly improved work.

  • Can use the language fluently, accurately and effectively on a wide range of general, academic, vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the relationships between ideas.

  • As the complex interactions of the interpersonal mode are being better understood, ideas for working within it more effectively are forthcoming.

  • We will see that there are examples of classroom-based research that attempt to implement these ideas.

  • The paper suggests that the study may provide insight into the schooling of linguistically diverse students in other contexts, and into ideas about equality.

  • Other ideological practices less reliant on metapragmatic discourse play a crucial role in linking linguistic forms to ideas of ethno-national belonging.








