
  • 0 past simple and past participle of stick -- (stick的過去式及過去分詞)

  • 1 unable to move, or set in a particular position, place, or way of thinking -- 動不了的;固定的;卡住的;(想法)擺脫不了的

    • We were stuck with him for the entire journey! 整個旅程中我們一直都無法甩掉他!

    • I'm really stuck - do you have any idea how to answer these questions? 我確實給難住了——你知道該怎麼回答這些問題嗎?

    • We'd be stuck if your sister hadn't offered to come over and look after the children tonight. 要不是你姐姐主動願意今晚過來照顧孩子,我們真不知道該怎麼辦。

    • I hate being stuck (= having to be) behind a desk - I'd rather work outside. 我討厭伏案工作——我寧願在戶外工作。

    • Seven of us were stuck in the lift for over an hour. 我們七個人被困在電梯裡一個多小時。

    • This door seems to be stuck - can you help me push it open? 這扇門似乎卡住了——你能幫我把它推開嗎?



  • Sometimes farmers could get stuck in a mental model that may provide short-term benefits for individuals but cause long-term damage to their systems.

  • An incomplete method uses clever intuitive heuristics for searching but has no safeguards if the search gets stuck in a local minimum.

  • He leapt up, stuck the text under some papers, and greeted me with some irritation.

  • Indeed, they have commonly assumed that dialogue simply involves chunks of monologue stuck together.

  • This was the lesson of the twentieth century; statesmen who believed in clear-cut power politics were stuck back in the nineteenth.

  • I have often argued that conventional office architecture has become stuck in a groove.

  • The evaluation relation is sound with respect to typing, and it never gets stuck, as the following theorems establish.

  • On the other hand, being stuck at a (non-maximal) fixpoint can be understood as deadlock.








