
  • 0 in or within a short time; before long; quickly -- 不久,很快

    • We need the repairs done as soon as possible. 我們需要盡快修好。

    • As soon as I saw her, I knew there was something wrong. 我一看到她就知道出事了。

    • I couldn't get out of that place soon enough. 我恨不得馬上離開那個地方。

    • "When would you like to meet?" "The sooner the better." 「你想什麽時候見面?」「越快越好。」

    • How soon (= when) can we sign the contract? 我們什麽時候能簽訂合約?

    • Soon after agreeing to go, she realized she'd made a mistake. 同意前去之後不久,她就意識到自己犯了一個錯誤。

    • The sooner we leave, the sooner we'll get there. 我們出發得越早,到那裡也就越早。

    • It will soon be impossible for foreigners to enter the country. 不久以後,外國人就不能進入這個國家了。

    • She'll soon be here./She'll be here soon. 她很快就到。



  • Irreconcilable differences between opposing factions soon emerged, sometimes producing a complete breakdown of co-operation.

  • In many societies, it is normal for females to marry soon after the menarche, while males do so much later.

  • Once you are in the air and not sooner, spin back to the front.

  • We will have more information on these discs soon.

  • Both large scale laser facilities designed to achieve ignition soon after 2010 are nearing completion.

  • Within two hours of confinement the first animal succumbed and others soon followed.

  • In practice, the ' sons of the customs ' would just as soon accept a personal offering (dash) in the coin of the realm.

  • The nature of their commitment changed as soon as they entered the war and several times thereafter, depending on their success.








