
  • 0 action rather than thought or ideas -- 實施,實踐

    • I can't see how your plan is going to work in practice. 我看不出你的計劃在實踐中如何行得通。

    • Officially, Robert's in charge, but in practice Hannah runs the office. 據稱應該是羅伯特負責辦事處的工作,但實際上卻是漢娜在管。

    • It seemed like a good idea before we started, but in practice it was a disaster. 在我們動手之前這似乎是個好主意,但實際上卻是場災難。

    • How do you intend to put these proposals into practice, Mohamed? 穆罕默德,你打算如何把這些計劃付諸實行?

  • 1 something that is usually or regularly done, often as a habit, tradition, or custom -- 慣常做法,慣例;習俗

    • I'll do your washing for you this time, but I'm not going to make a practice of it. 這次我幫你洗衣服,不過下不為例。

    • Newspaper editors have agreed to a new code of practice on the invasion of privacy. 報社編輯們已同意在侵犯隱私的問題上採取新的行為準則。

    • What is standard practice (= what is usually done) in a situation like this? 在這種情況下通常如何處理?

    • This is a cruel practice that should be banned immediately. 這是個殘忍的習俗,應該立即禁止。

    • It's common practice in the States to tip the hairdresser. 在美國通常要給理髮師小費。

    • What can European companies learn from Japanese business practices? 歐洲公司能從日本工商業的做法中學到些甚麼呢?

  • 2 the act of doing something regularly or repeatedly to improve your skill at doing it -- 練習;訓練

    • Do you mind if I have a few practice shots before we start the game? 開賽前我練幾下投籃你介意嗎?

    • I'm a little out of practice (= I haven't had any recent experience) but I'd love to play. 我最近沒怎麼練習,但我願意參加。

    • You'll gradually get better at it - it's just a question of practice. 你慢慢會更熟練的——這只是練習的問題。

    • She's never at home because she spends all her free time at hockey practices. 她從來都不在家,因為她把所有的閒置時間都用在練習曲棍球上了。

    • Are you coming to choir practice this evening? 今晚的合唱訓練你會來嗎?

    • I need to get some more practice before I take my driving test. 考駕照前我還得再練練。

  • 3 a job or business that involves a lot of skill or training -- (專業性強的)工作,業務(活動)

  • 4 US spelling of practise -- (practise的美式拼寫)



  • Administrative staff in enhanced and usual care practices completed an 8-hour training session on recruiting eligible patients using a two-stage screening process.

  • In the end, we have only neutered rhetorical forms to stand as theories, and random design novelties to stand as practice.

  • However patient participation activities were reported to be variable, dependent on the motivation and interest of individual general practices.

  • Only a few practices reported using the data in a more systematic way and carrying out a regular analysis of them.

  • It reinforces that crucial determinants are respect for multiple perspectives, equal distribution of power, clarity of practice model, and open communication styles and systems.

  • Using reflective practice to link personal and public theories.

  • But many physicians have refused these incentives because of the risk of control of their practice.

  • Older physicians, in contrast, probably looked forward to returning to their established practices.








