
  • 0 the state of being related to someone or something else -- (與某人或某事的)聯繫

    • They want to talk to you in connection with an unpaid tax bill. 他們想和你談談一張未付稅單的事。

    • They're sisters? I knew their surname was the same, but I never made (= thought of) the connection. 她們是姐妹,是不是?我知道她們同姓,可從沒想過她們是一家。

    • The connection between smoking and heart disease is well known. 吸煙和心臟病之間的聯繫已為人們所熟知。

  • 1 the act of joining or being joined to something else, or the part or process that makes this possible -- (事物間的)連接,聯結;連接物

  • 2 the way that two people can speak to each other by phone -- (電話)接通(品質)

    • Sorry, could you repeat that? This is a very bad connection. 對不起,請重複一遍,好嗎?通話效果太差了。

  • 3 a bus, train, plane, etc. that arrives at a time that allows passengers to get on after getting off another one, so that they can continue their journey -- (供中轉旅客換乘的)接駁交通工具(如公車、火車、飛機等)

    • If the flight is late, we'll miss our connection. 如果航班晚點,我們會錯過轉機。



  • Due to glutamatergic-mediated connections from medial temporal areas, activity in lateral orbitofrontal/prefrontal cortex may be deregulated in schizophrenia.

  • Furthermore, the right orbitofrontal cortex shows a higher density of neurons and neuronal connections, which may account for predominance of right hemispheric activation (see below).

  • As connections from the orbitofrontal to premotor cortex are affected, that may account for concurrent occurrence of emotional and motor disturbances in these patients.

  • All note that their models could be used to study the effects of such connections, however.

  • Synaptic connections may contain information, in some sense of the word, but not knowledge.

  • Circles represent neurons, and lines, their connections (the penetrated neurons being the ones that receive activation).

  • Such fundamental connections between interference, boundary conditions, standing waves, and resonances occur throughout physical science and engineering.

  • While establishing crossscale connections is important, most of the available data correlated with human behavior and cognition is recorded at macroscopic scales.








