
These are word's examples related to level. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于level的信息


  • Fish struggle for survival when the water level drops in the lake.

  • The top of Mount Everest is 8,848 m above sea level.

  • "How tall is he next to you?" "Oh, about so big, " she said, indicating the level of her neck.

  • The grass has grown nearly to the level of the windows!

  • The bullet entered the body at chest level.

  • He reached a reasonable level of competence in his English.

  • Gymnastics is a sport that requires a considerable level of coordination.

  • A teacher's got to pitch a lesson at the right level for the students.

  • She reached a high level on the piano.

  • All these students are beginner level.

  • The toilets are on the next level.

  • The garage has five levels.

  • Kitchen goods are on level three.

  • Go down a level to find the academic books.

  • He works on a different level from me.

  • On a personal level, they came to be cordially disliked.

  • E-commerce is presenting a lot of new jobs at entry level.

  • The new law met with a good deal of opposition at local level.

  • He reached ministerial level in the Diplomatic Service.

  • The central office sets/establishes the parameters which guide policy at the local level.

  • The water was level with the edge of the bowl.

  • The top of the screen should be level with your eyes.

  • The trees are level with the window.

  • The mixture should be level with the sides of the dish.

  • The oil should be level with this mark.

  • Is this painting level?

  • His glasses were never level.

  • Make sure the cake mixture is level.

  • We looked for a level piece of land to pitch our tent.

  • This table isn't level.

  • The first model includes only the individual level variables.

  • However, it can be seen at ever y level within the healthcare system.

  • The level of significance was set at 5%.

  • Another concept that is closely related to the levels of processing is the notion of type of processing.

  • Alternatively, one can propose a general licensing principle that permits such violations at that level.

  • At the level of the firm tradable permits facilitate adaptive management.

  • Farmers often prefer farm plans that provide a satisfactory level of security even if this means sacrificing average income.

  • Qualitative researchers have also recognized the problem of hierarchical, nested levels of context, even if they have not expressed the problem in those terms.

  • Efforts to calculate the level of price support for rice required the government to elicit cost of production data from the agricultural associations.

  • Of course, a generalised norm or level mapping can be interpreted as an ordinary norm or level mapping by restricting its domain to ground objects.

  • During the 1960s it became a petrochemical complex, and by the 1980s environmental monitoring revealed high levels of organic contamination in the groundwater.

  • Sometimes, and with some letters (especially at the youngest age level), phonetic letter names are produced.

  • The present study aimed to assess, in a community sample, actions taken to cope with depression at different levels of psychological distress.

  • Psychological models and learning algorithms should be classified at a more abstract level.

  • Any given event may be described by referring to various levels of description, such as the physical, chemical, biological, psychological, and sociological.









