
These are word's definitions related to word. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于word的信息


  • 0 a single unit of language that has meaning and can be spoken or written

    • Your essay should be no more than two thousand words long. 你的論文不應超過2000字。

    • Some words are more difficult to spell than others. 有些詞比其他的詞難拼寫。

    • What's the word for bikini in French? 法語中的「比基尼」怎麼說?

    • It's sometimes difficult to find exactly the right word to express what you want to say. 有時很難找到恰當的詞來表達你想說的意思。

    • You're still not allowed to say the F-word on TV in the US 在美國的電視上仍然不允許說那個以f開頭的詞。

    • So how's the diet going - or would you rather I didn't mention the d-word? 節食進行得怎麼樣——也許你不願意讓我提那個以d開頭的字。

  • 1 a short discussion or statement

    • The manager wants a word. 經理想談一談。

    • Could I have a word (with you) about the sales figures? 我能(和你)就銷售數字談一談嗎?

    • Could you have a quiet word with Mike (= gently explain to him) about the problem? 或許你可以和氣地向麥克解釋一下這件事。

    • Both competitors had words (= argued) after the match. 兩名參賽者在比賽後發生爭吵。

    • Words were exchanged (= people argued) and then someone threw a punch. 人們吵架了,然後有人打了一拳。

    • So far there have been more words than action on the matter of childcare provision. 恐怕到目前為止,提供兒童保育的問題更多停留在討論層面上,而較少付諸實行。

    • We exchanged a few words as we were coming out of the meeting. 我們走出會議室時匆匆交談了幾句。

    • If you see the captain could you put in a good word for me? 你看見隊長時能不能替我說句好話?

    • The critics didn't have a good word to say about the performance. 評論家們把這場演出說得一無是處。

  • 2 news or a message

    • Has there been any word from Paul since he went to New York? 自從保羅去紐約之後,你聽到過他的消息嗎?

    • We got word of their plan from a former colleague. 我們從以前的一個同事那裡得知他們的計劃。

    • Word of the discovery caused a stir among astronomers. 關於這項新發現的消息,在天文學家當中引起了轟動。

  • 3 a promise

    • I said I'd visit him and I will keep my word. 我說過要去拜訪他,我得說話算數。

    • You have my word - I won't tell a soul. 我保證——我不會告訴別人。

  • 4 an order

  • 5 to choose the words you use when you are saying or writing something

    • He worded the reply in such a way that he did not admit making the original error. 他在回答中的措詞表明他不承認原來犯的錯誤。








