
These are word's definitions related to what. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于what的信息


  • 0 used to ask for information about people or things

    • What time is it? 幾點了?

    • What books did you buy? 你買了甚麼書?

    • What did you wear? 你穿的是甚麼?

    • What size shoes do you take? 你穿多大尺碼的鞋?

    • What happened after I left? 我離開後發生了甚麼事?

    • What caused the accident? 是甚麼導致了那場事故?

    • "I just told Peter." "What?/You did what?" 「我剛剛告訴了彼得。」「甚麼?/你做了甚麼?」

    • What's this I hear? You're leaving? 甚麼?你要離開?

    • What are these tools for? 這些工具是做甚麼用的?

    • What are you doing that for? 你那樣做目的何在?

    • "We need a bigger car." "What for?" 「我們需要一輛更大的汽車。」「為甚麼?」

  • 1 the thing(s) that; that which

    • What I wanted to find out first was how long it was going to take. 我首先想要搞清楚的是要花多長時間。

    • What really concerned her was how unhappy the child was. 她真正擔心的是那孩子有多麼不開心。

    • She wouldn't tell me what he said. 她不願告訴我他說過甚麼。

    • I didn't have much money on me but I gave them what I had. 我身上沒帶多少錢,但我把帶的錢都給他們了。

    • The letter showed clearly what they were planning. 這封信很清楚地說明了他們是在籌劃甚麼。

    • I can't decide what to do next. 我決定不下來下一步該做甚麼。

    • Have you thought about what to send as a present? 你想過寄甚麼禮物了嗎?

    • You'll never guess what - Laurie won first prize! 你永遠也猜不到——勞里得了冠軍。

    • I'll tell you what - we'll pick up something to eat on our way home. 我告訴你——我們在回家的路上買些東西吃。

  • 2 used to introduce your opinion

  • 3 used to ask someone to say something again

    • "I think we should leave at twelve." "What?" "I said I think we should leave at twelve." 「我覺得我們應該12點離開。」「甚麼?」「我說我覺得我們應該12點離開。」








