
These are word's definitions related to together. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于together的信息


  • 0 with each other

    • We used to go to yoga together. 我們過去常常一起去做瑜伽。

    • We worked together on a project a couple of years back. 幾年前我們一起做過專案。

    • Could you add these numbers together for me? 你能替我把這些數字加在一起嗎?

    • You mix all the dry ingredients together before you add the milk. 你把所有亁的配料混在一起後再加牛奶。

    • I like both flavours separately but I don't like them together. 這兩種味道我都喜歡,但我不喜歡把它們混在一起後的味道。

    • You could stick that back together (= join the separate parts to each other) with some glue. 你可以用一點膠水把它再黏合到一起。

    • She said, "Never trust a man whose eyes are so close together!" 她說:「永遠不要相信兩隻眼睛距離太近的男人!」

    • The waiter asked if we were all together, so I explained that we were two separate parties. 服務員問我們是不是一起的,我解釋說我們是兩隊人。

    • We should get together (= meet each other socially) some time and have a drink. 我們應該找個時候聚一聚,喝一杯。

    • Mira and Ellis have been together now for almost five years. 米拉和艾理斯在一起至今已差不多有五年了。

    • We'd seen each other a few times as part of a group, but we didn't really get it together till Rachel's party. 我們在一群人一起時見過一兩次面,但直到瑞秋的派對後才上了床。

  • 1 at the same time

    • The packages were sent separately, but they all came together. 這些包裹是分別寄出的,但是都一起到了。

    • We can deal with the next two items on the list together. 我們能同時處理清單上的下面兩項。

  • 2 combined

    • Together they must earn over $300,000 a year. 合起來他們一年肯定能賺30多萬美元。

    • She's got more sense than the rest of you put together. 你們合在一起也不如她聰明。

  • 3 in one place

    • I'll just gather my stuff together, and then we can go. 我只要把我的東西收拾在一起,然後我們就可以離開。

  • 4 in addition to; and also

  • 5 organized, confident of your abilities, and able to use them to achieve what you want

    • For a sixteen-year-old, he seems pretty together. 作為一個16歲的年輕人,他給人的感覺是相當沉穩。

    • We were going to go skiing over Christmas but we never got it together. 我們原打算聖誕節去滑雪,可是卻總沒有成行。








