
These are word's definitions related to other. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于other的信息


  • 0 as well as the thing or person already mentioned

  • 1 the opposite side or end of something

    • Put the chair at the other end of the desk. 把椅子放到桌子的另一邊去。

    • The man was waiting on the other side of the street. 那個人在街對面等著。

  • 2 different from the thing or person already mentioned

    • Idon't have any cash - is there no other way of paying? 我沒有現金——沒有其他支付方式嗎?

    • He likes travelling abroad and learning about other people's customs and traditions. 他喜歡到國外旅行,並了解其他民族的風俗習慣。

    • I saw him just the other day/night. 我那天/那天晚上剛見過他。

    • Cruises other than the ones listed below are not discounted at this time. 除了下面列出的乘船遊覽項目以外,其他項目沒有折扣。

    • The form cannot be signed by anyone other than yourself. 除了你本人,誰也不能在這張表格上簽字。

    • There's nothing on TV tonight, other than the usual rubbish. 今晚的電視除了慣常的垃圾,再沒別的了。

    • He was economical with the truth - in other words, he was lying. 他沒說多少實話——換言之,他在撒謊。

    • The event was held in some park or other. 這個活動是在某個公園舉行的。

    • We'll find someone or other to help us. 我們會找個人來幫我們的。

  • 3 the second of two things or people, or the thing or person that is left in a group or set of things

    • Hold the racquet in one hand and the ball in the other. 一隻手握拍,另一隻手持球。

    • Some people prefer a vegetarian diet, while others prefer a meat-based diet. 有的人偏愛素食,而另一些人偏愛肉食。

    • She gave me one book last week and promised to bring the others on Wednesday. 上週她給了我一本書,並答應週三把其他的書帶來。

    • I only know about this book, but there might be others (= other books). 我只知道這本書,不過或許還有別的。

    • You shouldn't expect others to do your work for you. 你不應該指望別人替你做事。








