
These are word's definitions related to keep. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于keep的信息


  • 0 to have or continue to have in your possession

    • Do you want this photograph back or can I keep it? 你想要回這張照片,還是我留著它?

    • Keep medicines in a locked cupboard (= store them there). 將藥存放在上鎖的櫥櫃裡。

    • My uncle kept a little tobacconist's in Gloucester. 我叔叔在格洛斯特開了一家小煙草店。

    • to keep pigs/goats/chickens 養豬/山羊/雞

    • Jody will keep the children while I shop. 我去買東西時,喬迪會照顧孩子。

    • I made a promise to you and I intend to keep it. 我向你作過承諾,我會履行的。

    • She phoned to say she couldn't keep her appointment. 她來電說她無法守約了。

    • I've kept a diary for twelve years now. 至今,我已有12年寫日記的習慣。

    • Keep an account of how much you're spending. 記下你花多少錢。

    • Does your watch keep good time? 你的錶準嗎?

  • 1 to (cause to) stay in a particular place or condition

  • 2 to continue doing something without stopping, or to do it repeatedly

    • He keeps trying to distract me. 他一直想分散我的注意力。

    • I keep on thinking I've seen her before somewhere. 我一直覺得以前在哪裡見過她。

    • I kept hoping that he'd phone me. 我一直希望他會給我打電話。

    • If things keep going like this, we'll have to close the business. 如果情況繼續這樣的話,我們就不得不關門了。

    • Sometimes it was hard to keep going, but we did it for the children's sake. 有時候很難堅持下去,但是為了孩子我們挺過來了。

    • It was my friends that kept me going through all this. 是我的朋友們讓我堅持下去,度過了這一切。

    • Have a piece of fruit to keep you going. 吃一點水果,不要太餓。

  • 3 to delay someone or prevent them from doing something

    • He's very late - what's keeping him? 他姍姍來遲,是甚麼耽擱了他?

    • [ + -ing verb ] I'm so sorry to keep you waiting. 很抱歉,讓你久等了。

    • She kept me talking on the phone for half an hour. 她纏著我在電話裡講了半個小時。

    • I hope I'm not keeping you up (= preventing you from going to bed). 希望我沒有耽誤你睡覺。

    • "I must tell you something." "Can't it keep? I'm in a hurry!" 「我必須跟你說件事。」「能以後再說嗎?我現在趕時間。」

    • Whatever your news is, it will keep. 不管你有甚麼消息,等等再說。

  • 4 (of food) to stay fresh and in good condition

    • Milk keeps much longer in a fridge. 牛奶放在冰箱裡,保鮮時間會長很多。

  • 5 to provide yourself or another person with food, clothing, a home, and other things necessary for basic living

    • He wanted a job that would allow him to keep his family in comfort. 他需要一份工作來養活全家,讓他們過舒適的生活。

  • 6 the cost of providing food, heating, and other necessary things for someone

    • He's old enough now to earn his keep and stop living off his parents. 他現已長大成人,可以自謀生計而不再依靠父母。

  • 7 the strong main tower of a castle








