
These are word's definitions related to day. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于day的信息


  • 0 a period of 24 hours, especially from twelve o'clock one night to twelve o'clock the next night

    • January has 31 days. 一月份有31天。

    • the days of the week 一週的七天

    • He runs five miles every day. 他每天跑5英里。

    • It took us almost a day to get here. 我們花了幾乎一天的時間才到這裡。

    • I saw him the day before yesterday. 我前天見到他了。

    • We leave the day after tomorrow. 我們後天離開。

    • He was last seen alive five days ago. 人們最後一次見到他時,是在五日前,那時他還活著。

    • They haven't been seen for days (= for several days). 他們有一段時間沒露面了。

    • I'll be seeing Pat in a few days/in a few days' time. 過幾天我會見到派特。

    • How's your day been? (= Have you enjoyed today?) 你今天過得好嗎?

    • Have a nice day! 祝你有愉快的一天!

    • I must get some sleep - I've got a big day (= an important day) tomorrow. 我要睡一睡了——我明天有很重要的事。

    • a bright sunny day 陽光明媚的一天

    • It rained all day. 今天下了一整天的雨。

    • These animals sleep during the day and hunt at night. 這些動物晝伏夜出。

    • a normal working day 正常的工作天

    • I work a seven-hour day. 我每天工作七小時。

    • We're having to work a six-day week to cope with demand. 為了滿足需求,我們將不得不每週工作六天。

    • I won't be in on Thursday - it's my day off. 我週四不在——那天我休息。

    • She's taking three days off next week. 她下星期休假三天。

    • Didn't I see you in the post office the other day? 前幾天我不是在郵局見過你嗎?

    • Vegetarianism is very popular these days. 現在很流行素食。

    • In those days people used to write a lot more letters. 過去人們多會寫信。

    • The baby's due any day now. 就這幾天嬰兒就要出生了。

    • I prefer travelling by day. 我喜歡在白天旅行。

    • The same problems keep coming up day after day. 每天都會出現同樣的問題。

    • You can hear the traffic from your room day and night. 無論白天晚上你在房間裡都會聽到車輛的嘈雜聲。

    • Day by day he became weaker. 他的身體日漸虛弱。

    • The symptoms of the disease change from day to day. 這種疾病的症狀每天都會發生變化。

    • I never know what I’ll be doing from one day to the next. 我從來不知道第二天會是什麼樣。

    • How did people communicate in the days before email? 沒有電子郵件的時候人們是怎樣交流的?

    • To this day nobody knows what happened to him. 到現在也沒人知道他到底出了甚麼事。








