
These are word's definitions related to but. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于but的信息


  • 0 used to introduce an added statement, usually something that is different from what you have said before

    • She's very hard-working but not very imaginative. 她工作很努力,但缺乏想像力。

    • This is not caused by evil, but by simple ignorance. 這並不是惡意而為,只是由於無知。

    • The play's good, but not that good - I've seen better. 這齣戲還可以,但也不是多好——我看過更好的。

    • I'm sorry, but I think you're wrong when you say she did it deliberately. 對不起,但我覺得你不能説她是故意那麽做的。

    • Call me old-fashioned, but I like handwritten letters. 叫我老古董好了,反正我喜歡手寫的信。

    • I can understand his unhappiness. But to attempt suicide! 我可以理解他很不快樂,但自殺有點太極端了吧!

    • "She said she's leaving." "But why?" 「她説她要走。」「可是為什麼呢?」

    • You can invite Keith to the party, but please don't ask that friend of his. 你可以邀請基斯參加聚會,但請不要邀請他的那個朋友。

    • We must not complain about the problem, but (= instead we must) help to put it right. 我們不應該抱怨問題,而是應該幫助解決問題。

    • She's not a painter but a writer (= she is a writer, not a painter). 她不是畫家而是作家。

    • She's not only a painter but also a writer (= she is both). 她不僅是畫家而且是作家。

    • UK He said he hadn't been there, but then (= it is not surprising that) he would say that. 他説他沒去過那裡,不過他那麽説也不奇怪。

    • UK I think it's true, but then (= it should be understood that), I'm no expert. 我認為這不假,不過我並非專家。

  • 1 except

    • Eventually, all but one of them promised to come to his birthday party. 最後,除了一個人外,他們都答應來參加他的生日派對。

    • He's anything but violent (= not violent in any way). 他一點也不粗暴。

    • I would have crashed the car but for your warning. 要不是有你的警告,我早就把汽車撞壞了。

    • This is the last episode but one (= one before the last) of the series. 這是這部連續劇的倒數第二集。

    • She's one of those guests who does nothing but complain. 她是那種只知道抱怨的客人。

    • This car has been nothing but trouble - it's always breaking down! 這輛汽車哪裡都有毛病——老是壞!

  • 2 used to give force to a statement

    • Everyone, but everyone, will be there. 每個人,請注意是每個人,都必須到。

  • 3 only; just

    • She's but a young girl! 她只是個小女孩!

  • 4 used to emphasize that something will happen even if the person you are talking to does not want it to

    • We're going to visit your aunt tomorrow and there'll be no buts about it. 我們明天要去看望你的嬸嬸,一定要去,沒有商量的餘地。








