time Betydning & definisjon

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Betydning av time På norsk

  • 0 the entity measured in years, days, hours, minutes, seconds, etc. -- tid [ masculine ]

    • the relationship between time and space forholdet mellom tid og rom

    • Time seemed to pass slowly. Det føltes som om tiden gikk langsomt.

    • Over time the problems got better. Over tid ble problemene mindre.

  • 1 a particular moment in the day, measured on the clock -- klokkeslett [ neuter ]

    • What time is it? Hva er klokken?

    • What time should we meet? Når skulle vi møtes?

    • It’ll be time to leave soon. Det er snart tid for å dra.

    • Is it time for lunch yet? Er det lunsjtid ennå?

    • She’s learning to tell time. Hun lærer klokken.

  • 2 a length of time for doing sth -- tid [ masculine ]

    • How much time do you need to finish? Hvor mye tid trenger du for å bli ferdig?

    • Do you have time to help me with this? Har du tid til å hjelpe meg med dette?

    • It seemed to take them a long time to get back. Det virket som om det tok dem lang tid å komme seg tilbake.

  • 3 a particular period in history or in sb’s life -- tid [ masculine ]

    • I was still single at that time. Jeg var fortsatt enslig på den tiden.

    • around the time of World War II omtrent på den andre verdenskrigens tid

    • in times of economic hardship i økonomiske nedgangstider

    • At one time, we were worried he would kill himself. En gang var vi redde for at han skulle ta sitt eget liv.

  • 4 an occasion on which sth happens or is done -- gang [ masculine ]

    • This is the first time we’ve eaten here. Dette er første gang vi har spist her.

    • The last few times I saw her she was fine. De siste par-tre gangene jeg traff henne, hadde hun det bra.

    • You need to choose the right time to ask him. Du må velge rett tidspunkt for å spørre ham.

    • We’ve had a great time at the fireworks. Vi hadde det veldig morsomt under fyrverkeriet.

  • 5 how long sb takes to finish a race -- tid [ masculine ]

    • determined to improve his time in the 100m fast bestemt på å forbedre tiden sin på 100 m

  • 6 indicates you think sth should have happened sooner -- (det er) på tide

    • It’s about time they fixed the pool. Det er på tide at de fikser bassenget.

  • 7 continuously -- hele tiden [ masculine ]

    • The whole time I was talking, he was looking at his cellphone. Mens jeg snakket så han på mobiltelefonen sin hele tiden.

    • She goes to their house all the time. Hun går alltid hjem til dem.

  • 8 without stopping -- bestandig

    • There is a guard on duty at all times. Det er bestandig en vakt på plass.

  • 9 indicates how many of sth on each occasion -- én/to/fem osv. om/ad gangen

    • You’re allowed into the room two at a time. Dere kan gå inn på rommet to om gangen.

  • 10 sometimes, occasionally -- noen ganger [ masculine, plural ]

    • At times, it felt like the rain would never end. Noen ganger virket det som om regnet aldri ville ta slutt.

  • 11 at this time, but not for ever -- inntil videre

    • We’ll use this box as a table for the time being. Vi bruker denne boksen som bord inntil videre.

  • 12 sometimes, occasionally -- av og til

    • From time to time, a new guest would arrive. Av og til kunne det komme en ny gjest.

  • 13 very quickly or very soon -- på null komma niks

    • If we drive, we’ll be there in no time. Hvis vi kjører kommer vi dit på null komma niks.

  • 14 early enough -- i tide

    • We got home in time to watch the race on TV. Vi kom tidsnok hjem for å se løpet på TV.

    • He didn’t get there in time for the meeting. Han kom seg ikke dit i tide til møtet.

    • We got into the elevator just in time. Vi kom oss inn i heisen akkurat i tide.

    • In time, life without him became easier. Med tiden ble livet uten ham lettere.

  • 15 not late -- presis

  • 16 to not rush -- ta den tiden du trenger

  • 17 repeatedly -- gang på gang

    • Time after time, the wolves came back. Gang på gang kom ulvene tilbake.

  • 18 to use a watch, clock, etc. to see how long sth lasts -- ta tiden på

    • You run and I’ll time you. Løp du, så tar jeg tiden på deg.

  • 19 to make sth happen at a particular time -- velge tid for

    • They timed the event to coincide with the company’s 20th anniversary. De la arrangementet til samme tid som selskapets 20-årsjubileum.

  • 20 the hour of the day -- klokke(slett), tidspunkt

  • 21 the passage of days, years, events etc -- tid

  • 22 a point at which, or period during which, something happens -- tid(spunkt), periode, stund

  • 23 the quantity of minutes, hours, days etc, eg spent in, or available for, a particular activity etc -- tid

    • This won’t take much time to do

    • I enjoyed the time I spent in Paris

    • At the end of the exam, the supervisor called ‘Your time is up!’

  • 24 a suitable moment or period -- øyeblikk, tid

    • Now is the time to ask him.

  • 25 one of a number occasions -- gang

    • He’s been to France four times.

  • 26 a period characterized by a particular quality in a person’s life, experience etc -- tid, periode

    • He went through an unhappy time when she died

    • We had some good times together.

  • 27 the speed at which a piece of music should be played; tempo -- takt, tempo

  • 28 to measure the time taken by (a happening, event etc) or by (a person, in doing something) -- ta tid

  • 29 to choose a particular time for -- avpasse, velge tidspunktet for

Flere definisjoner av time

Eksempler på time

  • This procedure was repeated 1,000 times to give that number of estimates of the monkey population.

  • He then says nothing for some time about any employment.

  • This substrate is also highly variable in time.

  • At times his zeal to redeem petite bourgeois politics carries his argument too far.

  • We can easily modify this definition, however, to accommodate also the selection of multiple sources at a time.

  • Mortality rates were more variable over time on edges than interiors, and there was no evidence of time lags in mortality.

  • It is easy to see that the time complexity of flat is linear on the size of the list.

  • This predicate repeats the body of a program any given number of times.

Flere eksempler på time

Oversettelser av time på andre språk

  • 中文繁体

    分/日/年, 時間, (世界各地不同的)計時體系…

  • 中文简体

    分/日/年, 时间, (世界各地不同的)计时体系…

  • Español

    hora, tiempo, vez…

  • Português

    hora, tempo, vez…

  • 日本語

    時刻, ~時, 時…

  • Türk dili

    zaman, vakit, fırsat…

  • Français

    temps [masculine], heure [feminine], époque [feminine]…

  • Catalan

    hora, temps, vegada…

Flere oversettelser av time



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