
Il s'agit du definitions du mot lié au wash. Cliquez sur n'importe quel mot pour accéder à la page de détail de son mot. Ou, allez à la définition de wash.

Signification de wash En anglais

  • 0 to clean with water and usually soap

    • a woman washing her hair/hands une femme se lavant les cheveux/mains

    • Wash the white clothes in hot water. Lavez les vêtements blancs dans l’eau chaude.

    • Make sure to wash yourself thoroughly. Veillez à vous laver soigneusement.

  • 1 (of water) to push somewhere

    • The car was washed downstream when the river flooded. La voiture a été entraînée en aval quand le fleuve a débordé.

  • 2 an act of washing

    • The dirt came out after two washes. La saleté est partie après deux lessives/lavages.

    • Give your hands a wash. Lave-toi les mains.

  • 3 [ usually singular ] a number of pieces of clothing to be washed or being washed

    • I think your jeans are in the wash. Je pensais que ton jean était à la lessive.

    • I’m going to do a white/dark wash. Je vais faire une lessive de blanc/foncé.

  • 4 to clean (a thing or person, especially oneself) with (soap and) water or other liquid

  • 5 to be able to be washed without being damaged

  • 6 to flow (against, over etc)

    • The waves washed (against) the ship.

  • 7 to sweep (away etc) by means of water

    • The floods have washed away hundreds of houses.

  • 8 an act of washing

    • He’s just gone to have a wash.

  • 9 things to be washed or being washed

  • 10 the flowing or lapping (of waves etc)

    • the wash of waves against the rocks.

  • 11 a liquid with which something is washed

  • 12 a thin coat (of water-colour/-color paint etc), especially in a painting

  • 13 the waves caused by a moving boat etc

    • The rowing boat was tossing about in the wash from the ship’s propellers.

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