Significado de pull out en español

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pull out Definición y significado

  • 0 (of a military force) to leave or make leave a place -- retirarse

    • when troops were pulled out of the area cuando las tropas se retiraron de la zona

    • The troops pulled out last night. Las tropas se retiraron anoche.

  • 1 (of a vehicle) to move onto a road or into a line of traffic -- salir

    • The red car pulled out right in front of me. El coche rojo se incorporó justo delante de mí.

  • 2 to change a decision to do sth -- retirarse

    • Two companies have already pulled out of the deal. Dos compañías ya se han retirado del trato.

  • 3 (of a train or bus) to leave a station -- retirarse

    • as the train pulled out of the station cuando el tren salió de la estación


Daily Sentence

We can complete it step by step however long the road is and it can't be completed however short the road is if you don't even mark your footprint.

Podemos completarlo paso a paso, por muy largo que sea el camino, y no se puede completar, por corto que sea el camino, si ni siquiera marcas tu huella.

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