guess Significado & definición

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Significado de guess en español

  • 0 to give an answer or opinion about something without knowing all the facts -- adivinar

    • Guess how old he is.

  • 1 to say something that is right without knowing all the facts -- adivinar, acertar

  • 2 used before telling someone something interesting or surprising -- ¿sabes qué?

    • Guess what? We’re going to Hawaii!

  • 3 used when you think something is probably true -- supongo que

    • I guess you’re angry with me.

  • 4 used when you agree or disagree but are not completely certain about something -- supongo que sí/no

    • ‘It would be better to buy a new car than to try to fix this one.’ ‘Yeah, I guess so.’

  • 5 an attempt to give the right answer when you are not certain -- intento de adivinar algo

    • How old do you think John is? Go on, have a guess.

  • 6 an opinion that you have formed by guessing -- suposición

    • My guess is she probably won’t come.

  • 7 to try to answer when you do not know for certain -- adivinar

    • I guessed and got the answer wrong. Lo adiviné y fallé la respuesta.

    • She guessed that I was 25. Ella adivinó que yo tenía 25 años.

    • They tried to guess the location. Intentaron adivinar la ubicación.

    • Guess who I saw today? ¿Adivina a quién he visto hoy?

    • I guessed right and won a prize! ¡Lo acerté y gané un premio!

    • “Guess what?” “What?” “I got an A!” “¿Adivina qué?” “¿Qué?” “¡Tengo una A!”

    • You’ll never guess what I did this morning! ¡Nunca adivinarás lo que he hecho esta mañana!

  • 8 I suppose -- suponer

  • 9 indicates you agree, but are slightly unsure -- suponer

    • “It’s the right thing to do, isn’t it?” “I guess so.” “Es lo correcto, ¿no?” “Supongo que sí.”

  • 10 an act of guessing -- suposición [ feminine ]

    • I’d say 28, but that’s a guess. Yo diría 28, pero es una suposición.

    • My guess is, it would cost about $300. Mi suposición es que costaría alrededor de 300 dólares.

    • I don’t know, but I’ll take a guess. No lo sé, pero voy a hacer una suposición.

Más definiciones de guess

Ejemplos de guess

  • No prizes for guessing what the man in the street will have to say about that!

  • You can guess which 'applicant' was invited for interview.

  • We can only try to guess at these.

  • In truth, these are all guesses.

Más ejemplos de guess

Traducciones de guess en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    猜測,推測,估計, 猜中,猜對,猜到, 猜測,推測…

  • 中文简体

    猜测,推测,估计, 猜中,猜对,猜到, 猜测,推测…

  • Português

    adivinhar, palpite…

  • 日本語

    ~を推測する, (推測で)~を言い当てる, 推測すること…

  • Türk dili

    tahmin etmek, kestirmeye çalışmak, tahminde bulunmak…

  • Français

    (essayer de) deviner, supposition [feminine], deviner…

  • Catalan

    endevinar, suposar, encertar…

  • العربية

    يُخَمِّن, تَخْمين, حَدْس…

Más traducciones de guess