
Estas son palabras definitions relacionadas con what. Haga clic en cualquier palabra para ir a la página de detalles de su palabra. O, ir a la definición de what.

Significado de what en español

  • 0 used to ask for information about something

    • What’s this?

    • What time is it?

  • 1 used when you have not heard what someone has said and you want them to repeat it

    • ‘Do you want a drink, Tom?’ ‘What?’

  • 2 used to mean something without giving it a name

  • 3 used to ask what someone wants when they call you

    • ‘Jenny?’ ‘Yes, what?’

  • 4 used to suggest something

  • 5 used to give your opinion

  • 6 used to ask about something that could happen in the future, especially something bad

  • 7 used to ask about the reason or the purpose for something

    • What are these tools for?

    • What are you doing that for?

  • 8 used to ask for specific information

    • What time is the meeting tomorrow? ¿A qué hora es la reunión mañana?

    • What type of food would you like? ¿Qué tipo de comida te gusta?

  • 9 emphasizes a description

    • What a terrible thing to do! ¡Qué cosa tan terrible de hacer!

    • What beautiful children you have. Qué hijos tan guapos que tienes.

  • 10 used to ask for specific information

    • What do you think she’s going to say? ¿Qué crees que va a decir?

    • What did you do? ¿Qué hiciste?

  • 11 the thing that is being talked about

    • She told me what had happened. Ella me contó lo que había pasado.

  • 12 used to ask about the purpose of sth

    • What’s this money for? ¿Para qué es este dinero?

    • What did you do that for? ¿Para qué hiciste eso?

  • 13 used to ask why

    • “I told them to leave.” “What for?” “Les dije que se fueran. “¿Por qué?”

  • 14 used to introduce a possibility

    • What if he doesn’t come? ¿Y si él no viene?

    • What if we try a different way. ¿Y si lo intentamos de otra manera?

  • 15 indicates you do not think sth is important

    • “You left your bike outside.” “So what?” “Te has dejado la bicicleta fuera.” “¿Y qué?”

  • 16 used to ask sb to repeat sth that you did not hear

    • What? Did you say 4,000? ¿Qué? ¿Has dicho 4.000?

  • 17 indicates you are listening

    • “Mom!” “What?” “Can we watch TV now?” “¡Mamá!” “¿Qué?” “¿Ahora podemos ver la tele?”

  • 18 indicates surprise or anger

    • What! The tickets are sold out? ¡Qué! ¿Los tíquets están agotados?

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