
  • 0 Something or someone that is a mess, or is in a mess, looks dirty or untidy. -- 肮脏;杂乱;不整洁的人

    • Fido left another mess on the carpet. 菲多又在地毯上拉屎了。

    • My hair's such a mess today! 我的头发今天乱糟糟的!

    • mainly UK I look a mess - I can't go out like this! 我看上去衣衫不整的——我不能这样子出去!

    • UK Freddy can't stand mess. 弗雷迪忍受不了凌乱。

    • Go and clean up that mess in the kitchen. 去把厨房里乱七八糟的东西清理干净。

    • UK Jem's house is always in a mess. 杰姆的房子总是又脏又乱。

    • He makes a terrible mess when he's cooking. 他做饭时总是把周围弄得乱七八糟的。

  • 1 a situation that is full of problems -- 困境;混乱局面

    • I made a real mess of my final exams. 我期末考试彻底考砸了。

    • After the divorce he was a real mess and started drinking too much. 离婚后他潦倒透顶,而且开始酗酒。

    • The company's finances are in a mess. 这家公司的财务状况一团糟。

    • I got myself into a mess by telling a lie. 我因撒了一个谎而闯祸了。

    • She said that her life was a mess. 她说她的生活是一团糟。

  • 2 a room or building in which members of the armed forces have their meals or spend their free time -- (军人的)食堂,交谊厅

  • 3 to make something untidy -- 把…弄乱

    • The neighbour's dog has messed on our lawn again! 隔壁家的狗又在我们的草坪上拉屎了!

    • Don't you dare mess my hair! 看你敢把我的头发弄乱!



  • It was they who had to decide whether to join in with weaving rather than wipe up the mess.

  • With the application of ultraviolet light, the epoxy cures to its fully hardened state with no mixing or additional mess.

  • There is drug selling on the corners and the people on the corners mess with the kids.

  • But all these people have other problems - they have suffered strokes, or take drugs that mess with their sleep and/or dreams.

  • Morning, noon and night we get one mess tin of sloppy rice-work every night-the whole night through.

  • A second and stronger point is that history is a mess.

  • The question is clear: does this become a mess, or do we get something nice out of it?

  • They didn't know how to make a mess.








