
  • En [ tʌtʃ]
  • Us [ tʌtʃ]


  • 0 to put your hand or another part of your body lightly onto and off something or someone -- 碰,触摸

    • That paint is wet - don't touch (it). 那块油漆没干——别碰(它)。

    • He touched the girl on the arm to get her attention. 他碰了碰女孩的胳膊以引起她的注意。

    • The boy touched the worm with (= using, in his hand) a twig. 小孩用小树枝碰了碰虫子。

    • figurative The setting sun touched the trees with red (= made them appear red for a short time). 落日的余晖染红了树林。

  • 1 (of two or more things) to be so close together that there is no space between; to be in contact -- (两个或两个以上的物品)接触

    • He fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow. 他头一沾枕头就睡着了。

    • She pushed the two bookcases together until they touched/were touching. 她把两个书柜推到一起。

  • 2 to harm someone, or use or damage something -- 伤害(某人);使用(某物);破坏(某物)

    • Please don't touch any of my stuff while I'm away. 我不在时候请不要碰我的东西。

  • 3 (usually used in negative sentences) to eat or drink something -- 沾,吃,喝

    • They didn't touch any of the food we left for them. 我们留下来给他们的食物,他们一点也没碰。

    • Honestly, I haven't touched a drop (= drunk any alcohol) all night. 老实说,我整晚滴酒未沾。

  • 4 to influence someone or something emotionally, or cause feelings of sympathy in someone -- 触动,感动

    • Tragedy touched their lives when their son was 16. 他们儿子16岁那年,他们的生活中发生了悲剧。

    • The TV report about the children's work for charity touched thousands of people's hearts. 电视上报道的孩子们为慈善团体所做的事令成千上万的人深受触动。

  • 5 (usually used in negative sentences) to have or reach the same standard (= level of quality) as someone or something -- (通常用于否定句)比得上

    • Her novels can't touch (= are not as good as) those of her sister. 她的小说不及她姐姐的好。

    • There's no one to touch him as an illustrator of children's books. 在为儿童读物创作插图方面,没人比他��得好。

  • 6 a small amount -- 少许

  • 7 the ability to know what something is like by feeling it with the fingers -- 触觉

    • the sense of touch 触觉

    • I found the right coin in the dark by touch. 我在黑暗中摸索着找对了硬币。

    • The material was soft to the touch. 这块布料摸起来很柔软。

  • 8 a quick, light movement of one thing, especially a hand, onto and off another thing -- (尤指用手)触摸,碰

    • I felt a cold touch on my arm. 我感到有什么冰凉的东西碰到了我的胳膊。

    • At a/the touch of a button, the door opened. 一碰按钮,门就开了。

  • 9 to communicate or continue to communicate with someone by using a phone or writing to them -- 有/取得/保持(等等)联系

    • Are you still in touch with any of your old school friends? 你还和以前学生时代的老朋友有联系吗?

    • Jen and I never kept in touch after college. 我和简大学毕业后就没有联系过。

    • We're in close touch with our office in Spain. 我们与西班牙的办事处有密切的联系。

    • We lost touch over the years. 我们这些年失去了联系。

  • 10 an ability to do things in the stated, especially positive, way -- 特长;才能

  • 11 in sports such as football, a player's ability to control the ball and make it do what they want, or an occasion when a player controls the ball with their foot -- (足球等体育中)触球能力;触球

    • Nicolas Anelka squandered the chance to score when his touch let him down in front of goal. 尼古拉·安内尔卡在球门前触球不当,浪费了一次进球机会。

    • Hazard took several touches before crossing. 哈扎德触了好几次球之后把球传中。

  • 12 the area outside either of the long edges of the space on which football and rugby are played -- (足球及类似体育运动的)边线以外区域

    • Playing for safety, he kicked the ball into touch. 为了安全起见,他把球踢出了界外。

  • 13 If you are in touch/out of touch with a subject, activity, or situation, your knowledge about it is recent/not recent. -- 了解/不了解最新情况

    • He's not really in touch with what young people are interested in. 他并不真正了解年轻人现在对什么感兴趣。

    • I didn't see any news all the time I was on holiday, so I'm completely out of touch. 我在度假期间一直都没有看新闻,所以现在对外界一无所知。





  • 中文繁体

    觸摸, 碰,觸摸, 靠在一起…

  • Español

    tocar, tocarse, emocionar…

  • Português

    tocar, mexer em, tocar-se…

  • 日本語

    ~に触る, 触れる, 接する…

  • Türk dili

    dokunmak, el sürmek, değmek…

  • Français

    toucher, (se) toucher, être en contact…

  • Catalan

    tocar, tocar-se, emocionar…

  • العربية

    يَلْمِس, يَتَلامَس, يَتَأثَّر…








