
  • En [ seɪ]
  • Us [ seɪ]


  • 0 to pronounce words or sounds, to express a thought, opinion, or suggestion, or to state a fact or instruction -- 说;讲;陈述;表达;说明

    • Small children find it difficult to say long words. 小孩子觉得长词不好说。

    • She said goodbye to all her friends and left. 她跟所有的朋友道别后就离开了。

    • Ben never forgets to say "Please" and "Thank you". 本从来不忘说“请”和“谢谢”。

    • How do you say "goodbye" in French? “法语里的‘再见’怎么说?”

    • I'm sorry, what did you say? 对不起,你刚才说什么?

    • Do you know what she said to him? 你知道她对他说了什么吗?

    • What did they say about the house? 关于这座房子他们怎么说?

    • [ + speech ] "I'm going out this evening," she said. “今晚我要出去,”她说。

    • He said to himself (= thought), "This will never work." 他自言自语道:“这怎么也行不通。”

    • [ + (that) ] The doctors say (that) it will take him a few weeks to recover. 医生说他需要几周时间才能康复。

    • [ + question word ] She didn't say whether she was coming. 她没说来不来。

    • Did she say (= tell you) why she wasn't coming? 她告诉你为什么不来了吗?

    • [ + to infinitive ] informal He said (= told me) to meet him here. 他说(让我)在这里和他见面。

    • I've got something to say to you. 我有些事要跟你讲。

    • The offer was so good that I couldn't say no (= couldn't refuse). 报价太令人满意了,我无法拒绝。

  • 1 to think or believe -- 认为;相信

    • [ + (that) ] People/They say (that) he's over 100. 人们/他们都说他已经100多岁了。

    • "It's going to be a very hot summer." "So they say (= that is what people believe)." “今年夏天将会很热。”“大家都这么说。”

    • She is a firm leader, too firm, some might say (= some people believe that she is too firm). 她是一个严格的领导,有人可能会认为她太严格了。

    • "Who do you think will get the job?" "I'd rather not say." “你认为谁会得到这份工作?”“我宁愿不发表意见。”

    • What are you saying, exactly? (= What do you mean?) 你到底是什么意思?

    • [ + (that) ] We've been driving all day - I say (that) we start looking for a motel now. 我们已经开了一整天车——我觉得我们现在应该找一家汽车旅馆了。

    • informal What do you say we sell the car? (= What do you think about selling it?) 你觉得我们把车卖了怎么样?

    • [ + (that) ] The look on his face said (= showed) (that) he knew what had happened. 他脸上的表情说明他知道发生了什么事情。

    • [ + (that) ] It is said (that) Latin is a difficult language to learn. 据说拉丁语是一种很难学的语言。

    • [ + to be + noun/adj ] He's said to be over 100. 据说他100多岁了。

  • 2 to give information in writing, numbers, or signs -- 说明;指示

    • My watch says three o'clock. 我的表是3点钟。

    • Can you read what that sign says? 你能看见那个指示牌上写着什么吗?

    • [ + (that) ] It says in the paper (that) they've found the man who did it. 报上说他们找到了做那件事的人。

    • [ + to infinitive ] It says on the bottle to take three tabletsa day. 瓶子的标签上写着一日服用三片。

  • 3 used to express surprise or pleasure, or to attract attention to what you are about to say -- (用以表示惊讶、惊喜或唤起听话人的注意)哎呀

    • US Say, that's really good of you! 哎呀,你真好!

    • US Say, how about going out tonight? 嗨,今晚出去玩吧!

    • UK I say, what a splendid hat you're wearing! 呀,你的帽子真漂亮!

  • 4 (the right to give) an opinion about something -- 意见;决定权;发言权

    • Keep quiet for a minute and let me have my say. 你不能安静一会儿让我发表一下意见吗?

    • The judge usually has the final say. 法官通常拥有最终的决定权。



  • He said he was coming.

  • I said she should give him a call.

  • Did she say why she left so early?

  • He said that he'd already tried it.

  • What did she say about the cost?

  • I don't know him personally but they say he's very nice.

  • They're saying house prices are going to fall.

  • Soya is meant to be very good for you, or so they say.



  • 中文繁体

    說話, 說, 講…

  • Español

    decir, poner, suponer…

  • Português


  • 日本語

    言う, (事実や意見を)話す, 語る…

  • Türk dili

    söylemek, demek, belirtmek…

  • Français

    dire, indiquer, supposer…

  • Catalan

    dir, marcar, suposar…

  • العربية

    يَقول, يُخْبِر, يَدُلّ…








