
  • 0 the outer or top part or layer of something -- 表面,表層,外層

    • Don't put anything wet on a polished surface, or it will leave a mark. 別把任何濕東西放在拋光的檯面上,不然會留下印痕。

    • a work surface 工作檯面

    • The match will be played on an artificial/all-weather surface. 這場比賽將會在人工/全天候場地上進行。

    • Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the surface of the moon. 尼爾‧阿姆斯壯是第一個登上月球的人。

    • The marble has a smooth, shiny surface. 大理石表面光滑亮澤。

    • Tropical rain forests used to cover ten percent of the earth's surface. 以前,地球表面的10%都被熱帶雨林所覆蓋。

  • 1 The surface of a situation or person is what they appear to be, or the features they have that are not hidden or difficult to see. -- (情況的)表面;(人的)外表

  • 2 to rise to the surface of water -- 浮出水面

    • The submarine surfaced a few miles off the coast. 潛艇在離海岸幾英哩的地方浮出水面。

  • 3 If a feeling or information surfaces, it becomes known. -- 顯露,表露,浮現,公開

    • A rumour has surfaced that the company is about to go out of business. 有傳言說這家公司要停業。

    • Doubts are beginning to surface about whether the right decision has been made. 人們開始對這個決定是否正確表示質疑。

  • 4 to get out of bed -- 起床

    • He never surfaces until at least 11.00 a.m. on a Sunday. 他星期天至少要睡到上午11點才起床。

  • 5 working or operating on the top of the land or sea, rather than under the land or sea, or by air -- 地表上作業的;海面上作業的



  • Note that by (2.3)-(2.5), (2.24)and (2.25)there are no contributions to the integral from the other surfaces.

  • Our material contains hundreds of priapulid worms found on closely associated bedding surfaces in mudstone.

  • During hiatuses in deposition, relatively mature vegetation colonized sediment surfaces.

  • Then induces an isomorphism of the first homotopy groups of the underlying surfaces.

  • The following result [25] shows that on surfaces any diffeomorphism with a homoclinic tangency can be perturbed to create persistent homoclinic tangencies.

  • A partial result is presented for the remaining two surfaces whose fundamental group is the free group on two generators.

  • I suspect that such factors as "inter-reflections between surfaces," though certainly demonstrable and interesting, are of secondary importance even in most natural environments.

  • The claim may be true without the people's good judgment surfacing in their actual choices.








