
  • 0 to (cause to) flow, move, fall, or spread over the edge or outside the limits of something -- (使)灑出;(使)流出;(使)濺出; (使)湧出

    • Crowds of fans spilled onto the field at the end of the game. 比賽結束時,成群的球迷湧進了球場。

    • He dropped a bag of sugar and it spilled all over the floor. 他把一袋糖掉在地上,撒得地板上到處都是。

    • Let's see if I can pour the juice into the glass without spilling it. 來試試看我能不能一滴不漏地把果汁倒進玻璃杯裡。

    • You've spilled something down your tie. 你把甚麽東西灑在領帶上了。

    • I spilled coffee on my silk shirt. 我把咖啡灑到絲綢襯衫上了。

  • 1 an amount of something that has come out of a container -- 灑出量;溢出量

    • In 1989, there was a massive oil spill in Alaska. 1989年阿拉斯加曾發生過大規模溢油事件。

    • Could you wipe up that spill, please? 請把那溢出的東西擦乾淨好嗎?

    • a fuel spill on the road 路面上的溢油



  • The overall layout of the book is at times unhelpful: tables and diagrams spill into margins and generally look cramped and untidy.

  • Such observations and models are far removed from past assumptions that spills in polar regions either evaporate or remain frozen and trapped in the ground.

  • This suggests a different (higher) volume of released fuel, a different timing for the fuel spill, or other factors related to the site itself.

  • Such fires which could trigger major oil spills.

  • This difference suggests that there is some sort of difference on the mobilizing effects of oil spills and nuclear plant accidents.

  • Human infections are relatively rare accidental spill-overs from this wildlife cycle.

  • If varieties developed abroad by private research spill in directly into the domestic market then domestic private investment could be discouraged.

  • Issues and problems relating to fishing, hydrocarbon exploration, tourism and communications clearly spill over national borders (regardless of whether those borders are actually contested).








