
  • 0 completely -- 完全地,徹底地

    • It was quite the worst dinner I have ever had. 那絕對是我吃過的最難吃的飯了。

    • That's quite a beard you've grown, young man! 你留的鬍子可真大,年輕人!

    • They have been working on this for quite some time. 他們已經在這上面做了很長時間的工作了。

    • "You'd think he could spare some money - he's not exactly poor." "Quite." 「你覺得他能省下一些錢來——他並不是真的很窮。」「是这样的」。

    • I didn't quite catch what he said. 我不太懂他說的話。

    • I don't quite know what to say. 我不太確定該說些甚麼。

    • Quite honestly/frankly, the thought of it terrified me. 坦白/坦率地講,想到它我就害怕。

    • UK formal Are you quite sure you want to go? 你肯定想去嗎?

    • I enjoyed her new book though it's not quite as good as her last one. 我喜歡她的新書,儘管沒有她上一本那麼好。

    • The colours almost match but not quite. 顏色差不多相配,但不完全協調。

    • The two situations are quite different. 兩種情況截然不同。

  • 1 a little or a lot but not completely -- 相當,很,頗

    • It would be quite a nuisance to write to everyone. 給所有人都寫信一定是件麻煩事。

    • He's quite attractive but not what I'd call gorgeous. 他相當有魅力,但稱不上是我心目中的美男子。

    • It was quite a difficult job. 那工作實在很難做。

    • There was quite a lot of traffic today but yesterday was even busier. 今天的交通夠塞了,不過昨天更擁擠。

    • I'm quite tired but I can certainly walk a little further. 我有些累,但肯定還能再多走一會兒。



  • The transformation of the body by burning implies quite different things within different eschatologies.

  • The book is quite valuable for touching on so many relevant themes.

  • The concept of the tachyon does not violate the principles of special relativity, and they are quite a simple theoretical construct.

  • However, there are quite a few pairs of systems for which the families of minimal cut sets cannot be ordered.

  • Imports of raw cotton only gradually took up the slack-and then only in quite erratic fashion.

  • The average expresses both the moderate quality of the studies and a quite critical attitude to the music teaching received.

  • Second, she shows that the notion that merchant families survived for three successive generations was quite rare.

  • The situation is, however, quite different in the random setting.








