
  • 0 something that you are given, without asking for it, on a special occasion, especially to show friendship, or to say thank you -- (尤指表示友誼或致謝的)禮物,贈品

  • 1 the period of time that is happening now, not the past or the future -- 現在,目前

    • At present she's working abroad. 她目前在國外工作。

    • "Are you busy?" "Not at present." 「你忙嗎?」「現在不忙。」

    • The verb in this sentence is in the present. 這個句子中的動詞是現在式。

    • The play is set in the present. 這齣戲以當代為背景。

    • That's all for the present. 暫時就講這些。

  • 2 in a particular place -- 出席的,在場的,存在的

    • There were no children present. 沒有孩子在場。

    • The whole family was present. 全家人都在場。

  • 3 happening or existing now -- 現在的,目前的

  • 4 to give, provide, or make something known -- 贈送,授予;提交;展現

  • 5 to introduce a television or radio show -- 主持播出(電視或廣播節目)

    • An opportunity suddenly presented itself. 突然出現了一個良機。

    • He presented himself at the doctor's at 9.30 a.m. as arranged. 他早上9點30分依約去了醫生那裡。

    • Later on I'd like to present you to the headteacher. 過一會兒我會把你引見給校長。

    • May I present Professor Carter? 請允許我介紹卡特教授。

    • She presents the late-night news. 她主持午夜新聞。



  • The present study aimed to assess, in a community sample, actions taken to cope with depression at different levels of psychological distress.

  • This is purely for the author's convenience in presenting these results in the paper and demonstrating the robot.

  • In the next session, the investigator presented the color photographs described previously.

  • The present problem appears, however, more difficult to grasp physically than the problem of the shelving beach.

  • On neither of these ways of construing the existence question does it present a substantial philosophical issue.

  • In rice fields, these three families or subfamilies made up 63% of species and 86% of all individuals present.

  • What the present reviewer misses most are detailed qualitative analyses and theoretical discussions.

  • The results, presenting both qualitative and quantitative analyses, provide interesting insights into the responses of the students to the experiment itself.








