
  • 0 to provide a view of, especially from above -- 眺望;(尤指)俯瞰,俯視

    • The house is surrounded by trees, so it's not overlooked at all (= it cannot be seen from any other buildings). 這棟房子四周綠樹環繞,所以從其他建築處根本看不到它。

    • Our hotel room overlooked the harbour. 從我們飯店的房間可眺望港口。

  • 1 to fail to notice or consider something or someone -- 忽視;忽略,沒注意到

    • No one will be overlooked when we select players for the team. 在組隊時不會忽略任何人。

    • I think there is one key fact that you have overlooked. 我認為你忽略了一個重要的事實。

  • 2 to forgive or pretend not to notice something -- 寬恕,不計較;對…視而不見

  • 3 a place from where a person can look at something, especially at an area of natural beauty -- 觀察位置

    • There are lots of scenic overlooks along the road from New York to Montreal. 從紐約到蒙特利爾的公路沿線有很多美景。



  • Among other topics addressed are hip protectors and aids to prevent ' long lies ' - an often overlooked problem.

  • In addition, the authors deliver a quick overlook of dilemmas concerning legalisation and application of euthanasia.

  • Inevitably the products of arts activities cannot be overlooked.

  • It is to be feared that these problems will put many potential readers off, causing the value of its content to be overlooked.

  • He might simply overlook or forget what he knows or believes.

  • However, this choice of non-dimensional variables overlooks a possible role of atomic processes in confinement.

  • This point is rather subtle and easily overlooked, which contradicts our general claim that we can "read off" an algorithm from the typing rules.

  • It remains conceivable that meaningful differences in the parenting of earned and continuous secures have been inadvertently overlooked.








