
  • 0 to ask someone if they would like to have something or if they would like you to do something -- 主動給予;主動提出;提議

    • Dear Lord, we offer up our prayers... 親愛的主,我們向您祈禱…

    • [ + speech ] "I'll do the cooking," he offered. 「我來做飯,」他主動提議。

    • [ + to infinitive ] My father offered to take us to the airport. 我父親提議送我們去機場。

    • "Would you sell me that painting?" "What are you offering (= what will you pay) for it?" 「你能把那幅畫賣給我嗎?」「你出價多少?」

    • Can I offer you (= would you like) a drink? 你要一杯飲料嗎?

    • She was offered a job in Paris. 她在巴黎得到了一份工作。

    • [ + two objects ] I feel bad that I didn't offer them any food/offer any food to them. 沒有給他們提供任何食物,我覺得很過意不去。

  • 1 to provide or supply something -- 提供;供給

  • 2 the act of asking if someone would like to have something or if they would like you to do something -- 提議;主動���忙

    • We were amazed at the range of products on offer. 有這麼多產品可選,我們很驚訝。

    • Don't miss out on our latest offer. 不要錯過我們的最新折扣。

    • I've made an offer on a house in Pine Banks. 我已出價購買松林園的一所房子。

    • They were asking €180,000 for the apartment, so I put in an offer of €170,000. 這個公寓他們要價18萬歐元,所以我出價17萬。

    • informal One day I'll take you up on (= accept) that offer. 將來我會接受你的提議的。

    • I must say the offer of two weeks in Hawaii is very tempting. 我得說到夏威夷度假兩星期的提議對我很有誘惑力。

    • "If you like I can help out." "That's a very kind offer." 「如果你願意,我可以幫忙。」「非常感謝你的提議。」



  • Her chapter offers a detailed and informative account of these case studies.

  • They felt they had some personal control over their symptoms and that treatment could offer some control.

  • The story, as it has been told, offers them 'a usable past' that should help them to cope with future change.

  • We wish to clarify these and welcome the chance her commentary provided to offer aspects of the social situation surrounding the case we presented.

  • She nonetheless stresses that models can offer substantive theoretical knowledge of the world.

  • Political economists and political scientists have offered a plethora of explanations for why competition in laxity remains rare in environmental and consumer policy.

  • This may mean booking a private room for them to complete a questionnaire, offering refreshments, or reducing other factors of burden such as parking.

  • Ultrasonography offers excellent spatial resolution, portability, and lack of ionizing radiation and the need for transport.








