
  • 0 to want something to happen or to be true, and usually have a good reason to think that it might -- 希望,盼望

    • "Will you be at the meeting tomorrow?" "I hope not/so". 「你明天會參加那個會議嗎?」 「恐怕不行/我想是的。」

    • It's good news, I hope. 我希望是好消息。

    • [ + to infinitive ] They hope to visit us next year. 他們希望明年能來我們這裡作客。

    • We have to hope and pray (that) the operation will go well. 我們只能祈禱手術順利。

    • I hope (that) she'll win. 我希望她能贏。

    • [ + (that) ] She's hoping (that) she won't be away too long. 她希望她不會離開太久。

    • I'm hoping for an interview next week. 我盼望著下星期有一次面試。

  • 1 something good that you want to happen in the future, or a confident feeling about what will happen in the future -- 希望,祈望

    • I don't hold out much hope of getting (= I don't expect to be able to get) a ticket. 我對得到票不抱多大希望。

    • I didn't phone until four o'clock in the hope that you'd be finished. 我一直到四點才打電話是希望這時你就已經完成了。

    • The letter offered us a glimmer/ray of (= a little) hope. 這封信給了我們一線希望。

    • We never gave up hope (= stopped hoping) that she would be found alive. 我們從未放棄她能夠生還的希望。

    • The situation is now beyond/past hope (= unlikely to produce the desired result). 現在的情況已經毫無希望了。

    • She's very ill, but there's still hope/we live in hope (= we think she might be cured). 她病得非常嚴重,但是仍有希望/我們覺得仍有希望。

    • They have pinned (all) their hopes on (= they are depending for success on) their new player. 他們把(所有)希望都寄託在新隊員身上。

    • His reply dashed (= destroyed) our hopes. 他的回答使我們的希望破滅。

    • Young people are growing up in our cities without any hope of finding a job. 城市裡的年輕人一天天長大,卻根本沒有希望找到工作。

    • [ + that ] Is there any hope that they will be home in time? 他們有沒有希望及時回到家?

    • Is there any hope of getting financial support for the project? 這個案子有沒有希望得到資金上的援助?

    • What are your hopes and dreams for the future? 你對未來有甚麼希望和夢想?



  • But each introduces important ideas, and makes a real contribution to debates that one hopes will continue.

  • I hope that this will help to explain the many and various definitions of the concept of successful ageing.

  • Age-related differences in hope scores were also found in this study.

  • The physicians agreed totally, and simply claimed that the intervention sought by the parents had no reasonable hope of promoting that end.

  • The prospect of eight levels of attainment in the revised curriculum of 2000 held out little hope for a more reasonable approach.

  • Yet these are precisely the kinds of reactions that promote abdication of control and hope on the part of those suffering from mental disorder.

  • Perhaps it was too much to hope that it could have been otherwise.

  • As teachers perhaps that is one of the things we can hope for.








