
  • 0 (a situation causing) difficulty or trouble -- 麻煩,困難

    • I should have taken it back to the shop but I just didn't think it was worth (all) the hassle. 我應該把它退回商店,但我認爲不值得這麽麻煩。

    • It was such a hassle trying to get my bank account changed that I nearly gave up. 更換銀行帳號真是麻煩,我差點都想放棄了。

    • It's one of the few bars that women can go to and not get any hassle from men. 那是女性可以去的爲數不多的幾個酒吧之一,在那裡女性不會受到男人的任何煩擾。

    • My boss has been giving me a lot of hassle this week. 這星期老闆給我找了很多麻煩事。

    • I can't face the hassle of moving again. 我受不了再搬一次家的麻煩。

  • 1 to annoy someone, especially by repeatedly asking them something -- 煩擾(尤指透過反覆提問)

    • [ + to infinitive ] The children keep hassling me to take them to Disneyland. 孩子們不斷地煩我,要我帶他們去迪士尼樂園。

    • I'll do it in my own time - just stop hassling me! 我會自己安排時間做的——別煩我了!



  • Both hassles measures yield a frequency and intensity score.

  • Major life events, hassles, and adaptation in adolescence: confounding in the conceptualization and measurement of life stress and adjustment revisited.

  • Parenting daily hassles and relationships among minor stresses, family functioning, and child development.

  • Stress was operationalized in terms of self-reported daily hassles assessed prior to the observation of parenting.

  • The most likely explanation of this contradiction lies in the different definitions of daily hassles.

  • In particular the research is criticized for absenting the social context from our understanding of daily hassles, and for focusing too strongly upon the individual.

  • There is a strong overlap between this concept of cumulative trivia and an established concept in the health psychology literature called daily hassles.

  • As such, these stressors may resemble daily hassles, with the potential to become chronic if unchecked by active coping strategies.








