
  • 0 to be unable to remember a fact, something that happened, or how to do something -- 忘記,遺忘

    • This is where we keep all the books, not forgetting the magazines and newspapers. 這是我們放書的地方,包括雜誌和報紙。

    • I never forget a face (= I'm good at remembering people). 我記人很在行。

    • [ + question word ] I've forgotten what you do next/how to do it. 我忘了你下一步做甚麽/怎麽做。

    • [ + -ing verb ] She would never forget seeing the Himalayas for the first time. 她永遠也不會忘記第一次看到喜馬拉雅山時的情景。

    • I'm sorry, I was forgetting (= I had forgotten) (that) you would be away in August. 抱歉,我忘了你八月不在。

    • [ + (that) ] We had forgotten (that) she doesn't come on Thursdays. 我們都忘了,她星期四都是不來的。

    • I completely forgot about Jenny's party. 我完全忘記了珍妮的派對。

    • Let me write down that date before I forget it. 在我忘記之前,讓我把日期寫下來吧。

    • I'm sorry, I've forgotten your name. 對不起,我忘了你的名字。

  • 1 to not remember to do something -- 忘記做

    • Dad's always forgetting (to take) his pills. 爸爸總是忘記吃藥。

    • Don't forget to lock the door. 別忘了鎖門。

  • 2 to not bring something with you because you did not remember it -- 忘記帶

    • I forgot my keys. 我忘了帶鎖匙。

  • 3 to stop thinking about someone or something -- 忘掉,不再想

    • It seemed unlikely that the debt would ever be paid off so we just forgot (about) it. 那筆債似乎不太可能償還,所以我們就不再把它放在心上了。

    • He tried to forget her. 他儘量不再想她。

  • 4 to act in a socially unacceptable way because you have lost control of your emotions -- 舉止不得體,失態

    • He was so angry he forgot himself and swore loudly. 他太生氣了,就不成體統地破口大罵起來。



  • An elderly woman, aged 72 years, had clearly forgotten that the practice was nurse-led.

  • But he forgets that almost all these landscapes are pictured after a code that was produced by the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

  • It is simply the forgetful functor that forgets about the structure of families.

  • At the same time it should not be forgotten that these statements are only half the story.

  • She does have a point when she stresses that 'the flexibility built into the original "massive retaliation" doctrine' (p. 272) was soon forgotten.

  • When one sees the great and glorious fields of ice and snow one soon forgets the discomfort one have to put up with.

  • At the least, the par tial exhumation demonstrates that the ancestor buried therein had not been forgotten.

  • But to look into his countenance was to forget all this.








