
  • 0 a condition giving a greater chance of success -- 有利條件,有利因素;優勢;好處

    • The ref should have played advantage because Rooney would have been through on goal. 裁判當時應該根據對被犯規方有利的原則允許比賽繼續進行,因為魯尼本來有可能進球的。

    • Advantage Miss Williams! 威廉斯小姐佔先!

    • I know she's offered to babysit, but I don't want her to think we're taking advantage of her. 我知道她主動提出來照顧我們的孩子,但是我不想讓她覺得我們在佔她的便宜。

    • I think she takes advantage of his good nature. 我認為她利用他善良的本性佔他的便宜。

    • I thought I'd take advantage of the sports facilities while I'm here. 我想趁我在這兒期間,好好利用一下這裡的體育設施。

    • UK formal "Do you know how old I am?" "I'm afraid you have the advantage of me there (= you know the answer but I do not)." 「你知道我多大了嗎?」「恐怕我不知道。」

    • His height and reach give him a big advantage over (= make him better than) other boxers. 他身高臂長,這使他在和其他拳擊手較量時佔有很大優勢。

    • For a goalkeeper, it's a great advantage to have big hands. 對守門員來說,長一雙大手是很大的優勢。

    • [ + to infinitive ] It would be to your advantage (= it would improve the situation for you) to agree to his demands. 答應他的要求對你有利。

    • Despite the twin advantages of wealth and beauty, she did not have a happy life. 儘管擁有財富和美貌的雙重優勢,她的生活並不幸福。

    • The advantage of booking tickets in advance is that you get better seats. 提前訂票的好處就是可以得到比較好的座位。



  • An implication is that the target article's metaphors of resistance to change may have heuristic advantages over those of momentum.

  • However, this relationship between levels does not necessarily hold throughout language processing; there may be cases in which feedback could indeed confer advantages.

  • Lexical feedback might offer some advantages in phoneme identification by making phoneme decisions line up with decisions made at the lexical level.

  • I construct myself as a double visitor in order to make clear what the museum's internal structural advantages and shortcomings are.

  • Examples include predator avoidance, hydrodynamic advantages or searching for food [22, 24].

  • There are several advantages to modeling adaptation in this way.

  • We interpret genetic-algorithm learning as a powerful representation of trialand-error learning which has important advantages over many other models in the literature.

  • Second, if such benefits are achieved advantages for these businessmen, what are their ascribed advantages ?








