
These are word's examples related to drop. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于drop的信息


  • A man rushed past and jogged her elbow, making her drop the bag.

  • She dropped her cup and it smashed to pieces on the stone floor.

  • Helicopters dropped leaflets over the city.

  • She accidentally dropped her ring down a drain in the road.

  • Witnesses say that there was an explosion and then the plane dropped like a stone to earth.

  • Temperatures can drop well below freezing in midwinter.

  • Let's cut our losses and sell the business before prices drop even further.

  • The hurricane was downgraded to a tropical storm when its speed dropped to 70mph.

  • He thinks we should sell the business before prices drop even further.

  • Fish struggle for survival when the water level drops in the lake.

  • The police have had to drop charges against her because they couldn't find any evidence.

  • She walked free after the charges against her were dropped.

  • He was dropped from the team after failing to turn up for a drugs test.

  • You can't just show up at my work and expect me to drop everything.

  • The band was dropped by their record label because of creative differences.

  • I noticed drops of water plopping onto the carpet.

  • We placed saucepans on the floor to catch the drops of water coming through the roof.

  • The drop of red dye diffused slowly in the water.

  • Could I have a drop more water, please?

  • Would you like a drop more vino?

  • They forecast a large drop in unemployment over the next two years.

  • In an emergency you could get out through a window, but it would be a nasty drop.

  • He took a drop in salary when he changed jobs.

  • Tour operators have reported a drop in bookings.

  • She looked over the cliff and found she was standing at the edge of a vertical drop.

  • We find that for zero or moderate surface tension the speed at which a drop or plume rises increases algebraically with time.

  • The size of the drop leading a plume is roughly proportional to the initial thickness of the layer.

  • After 12 years, registration and attendance drops so that those pupils who were measured may be less representative of their age group in the community.

  • Employing the upper bound in turn drops both sets of returns by only 15 per cent.

  • As noted earlier, three subjects dropped out of the study because of pain and worsening of clinical symptoms.

  • Honore suggests that dropping the paper is worse because of the kind of conduct that it is, namely, an intervention to make things worse.

  • The drop in recall for verbs and, even more, for adjectives is mostly due to the lack of structural information.

  • On day 5 of culture, embryos were transferred to drops of fresh media.

  • First a straight ascension path, second a circular arc, and finally a straight vertical drop.

  • Considering now the 45" entry, it is observed that the cavity pressure drop is considerably less than in the vertical and 60" cases.

  • The size of the drop is virtually independent of surface tension.

  • There was no significant difference between drop-outs and completers on any demographic or clinical variables.

  • Outside a certain distance between utterances, the coherence drops off and is highly scattered.

  • This can occur if it is possible for one of the losing candidates to win a seat when the other losing candidate(s) is dropped.

  • Drop-in centres for adolescents: planned to develop existing scheme to include accident prevention.









