please значение

  • En [ pliːz]
  • Us [ ]

Значение please в русском языке

  • 0 something that you say to be polite when you are asking for something or asking someone to do something -- пожалуйста! (в просьбах)

  • 1 used to accept something politely -- да, с удовольствием!

    • "Would you like a lift home?" "Oh yes, please."

  • 2 to make someone happy -- угождать, доставлять удовольствие

  • 3 used to say that someone can have or do anything they want -- все, что угодно/как угодно и т. д.

    • Feel free to talk about anything you please.

    • He can come and go as he pleases.

  • 4 a slightly rude way of telling someone that you do not care what they choose to do -- делайте/поступайте, как хотите

    • "I don't want anything to eat." "Please yourself."

Дополнительные определения please

Примеры please

  • To please the experimenter, children might have produced labels about which they were uncertain.

  • If you think that two adjacent statements apply, please circle both.

  • One might prefer to be a gardener - simply pleasing oneself in the making of such a choice.

  • A vocal delivery that might seem haughty or conceited, too mellifluous or elegant, excessively 'musical', or calculated to please others must be avoided.

  • However, if we want to provide a more aesthetically pleasing and realistic animation, an elastic behaviour for the link of the operation would seem appropriate.

  • If you would like to discuss ideas for articles, please contact one of the editors.

  • Monetary incentives do not completely "crowd out" the subject's motive to please, but they are likely to attenuate this motive considerably.

  • In other words, husbands were not expected to simply dispose of their wives as they pleased.

Дополнительные примеры please

Переводы please на другие языки

  • 中文繁体

    好嗎,請(用於客氣地請求), 請,求求你(用於加強請求或要求的語氣), 讓我說(尤指兒童為引起老師或其他成年人的注意時的用語)…

  • 中文简体

    好吗,请(用于客气地请求), 请,求求你(用于加强请求或要求的语气), 让我说(尤指儿童为引起老师或其他成年人的注意时的用语)…

  • Español

    por favor, contentar, (sí…

  • Português

    por favor!, agradar…

  • 日本語

    どうか, どうぞ(丁寧に依頼する時の言葉), ~を喜ばせる…

  • Türk dili

    Lütfen!', mutlu/memnun etmek…

  • Français

    s’il te/vous plaît, je te/vous prie de, merci…

  • Catalan

    si us plau, complaure…

Другие переводы please



May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
