set Betydning & definisjon

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Betydning av set På norsk

  • 0 to put somewhere -- sette

    • She set the mug down on the table. Hun satte muggen ned på bordet.

  • 1 to make a device or machine ready -- sette

    • I set the alarm to go off at 6:00. Jeg stilte inn alarmen på 6.00.

    • Set the dial on/to “cold.” Sett bryteren på “cold”.

  • 2 to put in a particular state -- sette

    • They set the prisoners free. De satte fangene fri.

    • Someone deliberately set the house on fire. Noen satte fyr på huset med vilje.

  • 3 to decide on a time or date -- fastsette

    • Have we set a time for the meeting? Har vi fastsatt noen tid for møtet?

    • The date was set at May 15th. Datoen ble fastsatt til 15. mai.

  • 4 to decide on a level, rate, limit, etc. -- sette

    • an airline setting its fares higher et flyselskap som setter opp billettprisene

    • The law sets a limit on how much tax companies pay. Loven setter en grense for hvor mye skatt selskaper betaler.

    • We set high standards of behavior for the kids. Vi setter høye standarder for ungenes oppførsel.

  • 5 (of the sun) to become lower than the horizon in the evening -- gå ned

    • We watched the sun set over the ocean. Vi så solen gå ned over havet.

  • 6 (of a movie, play, etc.) having a story that happens in a particular place or time -- lagt til

    • The movie is set in ancient Rome. Filmen er lagt til det gamle Roma.

  • 7 to behave in a good way that you want others to copy -- gå foran med et godt eksempel

    • Parents have to set a good example for their children. Foreldre må gå foran med et godt eksempel for barna sine.

  • 8 to reach a higher standard or level than has ever been reached -- sette rekord

    • She set the city record in the 200m race. Hun satte byrekord på 200-meterløpet.

    • record-setting temperatures rekordtemperaturer

  • 9 to make possible -- legge til rette for

    • The lack of food set the stage for the riots. Matmangelen la til rette for opptøyene.

  • 10 a group of similar things that are used together -- sett [ neuter ]

    • a set of dishes/keys/tools et tallerken/nøkkel/verktøysett

    • an extra set of wheels for the scooter et ekstra hjulsett til scooteren

  • 11 the background and objects used for a play or movie -- sett [ neuter ]

  • 12 a device that receives TV or radio signals -- apparat [ neuter ]

    • a broken TV set et ødelagt TV-apparat

  • 13 not changing -- fast

    • a set number of tickets et fast antall billetter

    • He has some very set ideas on the subject. Han har noen veldig bestemte tanker om temaet.

    • The rules are set – it’s too late to change them. Reglene er fastsatt – det er for sent å forandre dem.

    • My parents have become set in their ways since they retired. Foreldrene mine har blitt veldig stivnet etter at de gikk av med pensjon.

  • 14 likely to do sth -- liggende an til

    • He looks set to win the election. Han ligger tilsynelatende an til å vinne valget.

  • 15 ready -- alt klart

    • Are we all set? OK, let’s go! Er vi klare alle sammen? OK, la oss sette i gang!

  • 16 to be strongly opposed to -- sterkt imot

    • My parents are dead set against the idea. Foreldrene min er sterkt imot ideen.

  • 17 determined to -- oppsatt på

    • Why are you so set on quitting? Hvorfor er du så oppsatt på å slutte?

  • 18 to put or place -- sette, legge, plassere

  • 19 to put plates, knives, forks etc on (a table) for a meal -- dekke på bordet

    • Please would you set the table for me?

  • 20 to settle or arrange (a date, limit, price etc) -- (fast)sette, angi

  • 21 to give a person (a task etc) to do -- gi, sette opp; vise

  • 22 to cause to start doing something -- få til å

  • 23 (of the sun etc) to disappear below the horizon -- gå ned

    • It gets cooler when the sun sets.

  • 24 to become firm or solid -- stivne, binde, størkne

  • 25 to adjust (eg a clock or its alarm) so that it is ready to perform its function -- stille

    • He set the alarm for 7.00 a.m.

  • 26 to arrange (hair) in waves or curls. -- legge (hår)

  • 27 to fix in the surface of something, eg jewels in a ring. -- innfatte

  • 28 to put (broken bones) into the correct position for healing -- sette sammen/i ledd

  • 29 fixed or arranged previously -- fast, foreskrevet, obligatorisk

  • 30 (often with on) ready, intending or determined (to do something) -- klar, parat, fast besluttet

    • He is set on going.

  • 31 deliberate -- uttalt, bestemt

  • 32 stiff; fixed -- stiv, sammenbitt

  • 33 not changing or developing -- meget bestemt, fastlåst

    • set ideas.

  • 34 (with with) having something set in it -- besatt/pyntet med

  • 35 a group of things used or belonging together -- sett, samling

  • 36 an apparatus for receiving radio or television signals -- -apparat

    • a television/radio set.

  • 37 a group of people -- krets, gjeng, klikk, –sett

  • 38 the process of setting hair -- legg(ing)

  • 39 scenery for a play or film -- dekorasjon, kulisser

  • 40 a group of six or more games in tennis -- sett

    • She won the first set and lost the next two.

Flere definisjoner av set

Eksempler på set

  • Then the optimizer generates a nondominated optimal set.

  • When m bi and f bi are not significantly different, we set m bi=f bi=bi so that (9) reduces to (1).

  • The fifth (unactuated) equation in the set (23) is a second-order nonholonomic constraint.

  • Traditions, he concludes, are "not merely sets of ideas" (507).

  • Computing preferred answer sets by meta-interpretation in answer set programming.

  • The predicate consistent1/2 creates a set of more involved constraints.

  • The data were reanalyzed with the discount rate set at 5%.

  • But this is also to be kept secret, lest he should perhaps want to set himself against this as well.

Flere eksempler på set

Oversettelser av set på andre språk

  • 中文繁体

    位置, 放,置, 使處於(指定的地方、位置)…

  • 中文简体

    位置, 放,置, 使处于(指定的地方、位置)…

  • Español

    fijar, establecer, ponerse…

  • Português

    marcar, fixar, determinar…

  • 日本語

    (日程を)決める, (日が)沈む, (話の時代や場所を)設定する…

  • Türk dili

    kurmak, ayarlamak, zamanı belirlemek…

  • Français

    mettre, poser, régler…

  • Catalan

    fixar, establir, pondre’s…

Flere oversettelser av set



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