free Betydning & definisjon

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Betydning av free På norsk

  • 0 not costing any money -- gratis

    • a free sample of our product en gratis prøve av produktet vårt

    • Admission to the show is free! Det er gratis inngang til forestillingen!

  • 1 without restrictions or controls -- fri

    • the right to free speech retten til ytringsfrihet

    • You are free to do what you want. Du står fritt til å gjøre det du vil.

  • 2 (of a person) not a slave or prisoner -- fri

    • On April 4th I’ll be a free man. Den 4. april blir jeg en fri mann.

  • 3 with enough time to do sth -- ledig

    • I’m free to talk for a few minutes. Jeg er ledig for noen minutters samtale.

    • Are you free for dinner next Friday? Har du tid til en middag neste fredag?

  • 4 (of time) not scheduled and therefore available -- tid

    • I have lots of free time now. Jeg har mye fritid nå.

    • a free afternoon en ledig ettermiddag

  • 5 not held by or stuck in sth -- fri

    • He struggled until he was free of the ropes. Han slet helt til han var fri fra tauene.

  • 6 not affected or influenced by sth negative -- fri

    • chemical-/nuclear-/preservative-free kjemikalefri/atomfri/uten konserveringsmidler

    • He felt free of/from all doubts. Han kjente seg fri for enhver tvil.

  • 7 not being used -- ledig

    • The seat next to her was free. Setet ved siden av henne var ledig.

  • 8 to allow a prisoner or captive animal to go -- befri

    • troops who freed the prisoners from the camps tropper som befridde fangene fra leirene

  • 9 to help sb or sth that is caught to get out -- få løs

    • The animal tried to free its foot from the trap. Dyret prøvde å få foten løs fra fellen.

  • 10 to allow sb to have more time available -- frigjør

    • Your help frees me up to think about other issues. Hjelpen din frigjør meg til å tenke på andre ting.

  • 11 without payment -- gratis

    • Children ride the subway free. Barn reiser gratis med undergrunnen.

  • 12 out of a position in which sb or sth is held or caught -- fri

    • She finally managed to break free from her attacker. Hun klarte til slutt å bryte seg løs fra overfallsmannen.

  • 13 allowed to move where one wants; not shut in, tied, fastened etc -- fri

  • 14 not forced or persuaded to act, think, speak etc in a particular way -- fri, utvungen

  • 15 (with with) generous -- raus, gavmild

    • He is always free with his money/advice.

  • 16 frank, open and ready to speak -- fri, åpen, likefram

  • 17 costing nothing -- gratis, fri-

  • 18 not working or having another appointment; not busy -- ledig, fri

  • 19 not occupied, not in use -- ledig

  • 20 (with ofor from) without or no longer having (especially something or someone unpleasant etc) -- fri for, med fri/gratis adgang til

    • She is free from pain now.

  • 21 to make or set (someone) free -- befri, slippe løs/ut

    • He freed all the prisoners.

  • 22 (with fromor of) to rid or relieve (someone) of something -- frigjøre (seg)

Flere definisjoner av free

Eksempler på free

  • Indeed, like many newly freed people, they considered parties almost illegitimate threats to national unity.

  • In this situation, it frees writers from the effort of investigating their themes and encourages them to rely on a ready-made solution.

  • The sculptor's thought is freed to be completely three-dimensional.

  • They take the postmodernist achievement to be one which conveniently frees theological conservatism from the uncomfortable pressures of secular, rationalist criticism.

  • They would often be put in the stocks until they sobered up, but they would invariably lapse again as soon as they were freed.

  • Though advertising revenue freed the press from direct political control, it introduced its own form of constraints on an expanding press in the 20th century.

  • The healing process involves correcting imbalances and freeing blockages, thus restoring a proper energy flow through the body.

  • If a whole industry is swept aside because of failing entrepreneurship, resources would be freed for other, expanding sectors.

Flere eksempler på free

Oversettelser av free på andre språk

  • 中文繁体

    不受限制, 自由的, 無拘束的…

  • 中文简体

    不受限制, 自由的, 无拘束的…

  • Español

    gratis, libre, en libertad…

  • Português

    grátis, gratuito, de graça…

  • 日本語

    無料の, 暇な, 自由な…

  • Türk dili

    serbest, bağımsız, ücretsiz…

  • Français

    gratuit/-uite, libre, disponible…

  • Catalan

    gratuït, lliure, en llibertat…

Flere oversettelser av free



May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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