type Définition En Français

  • 0 a group of things or people of the same kind -- type [ masculine ]

    • We have this type of trouble all the time. Nous avons sans arrêt ce genre d’ennuis.

    • the three main types of volcanoes les trois types de volcans

    • a type of nerve damage un type d’atteinte névralgique

    • a type of water bird un type d’oiseau aquatique

  • 1 a person with particular qualities or characteristics -- genre [ masculine ]

    • Tall blondes aren’t my type. Les grandes blondes ne sont pas mon type.

    • He’s the type to argue with whatever you say. Il est du genre à contredire tout ce que vous dites.

    • She’s the quiet type. C’est le genre calme.

  • 2 printed letters -- caractère [ masculine ]

    • words printed in very large type des mots imprimés en très grands caractères

  • 3 to write sth using a computer keyboard or similar device -- taper

    • I typed a few more words. J’ai tapé quelques mots de plus.

    • He can type without looking. Je sais taper sans regarder.

  • 4 a kind, sort; variety -- type, sorte

  • 5 (a particular variety of) metal blocks with letters, numbers etc used in printing -- caractère

    • Can we have the headline printed in a different type?


Examples of type

  • We are ready to take account of the specifics and the needs of the sporting sector, such as security, which is inseparable from this type of organization.

  • This type of behaviour casts serious doubts, in retrospect, on many past decisions.

  • This is the kind of arbitrary restriction of freedoms to which agreements of this type expose us.

  • I have made sure that we do not revert to this type of debate.

  • Working has increasingly become a type of top-class sport.

  • What type of person do schools mould and for what sort of society?

  • The key to success lies in education, because this is the only way of opening up long-term opportunities for living a different type of life.

  • In my view, however, our ultimate goal should be to integrate the regulation of access to repair information into the new type verifying framework directive.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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