credit Définition En Français

  • 0 a reputation as sb who is able to pay back money -- réputation [ feminine ] de payer ses dettes

    • borrowers with good/bad credit des emprunteurs qui sont / ne sont pas réputés capables de payer leurs dettes

  • 1 an arrangement to pay for sth later -- crédit [ masculine ]

    • I bought it on credit. Je l’ai acheté à crédit.

  • 2 recognition for good work -- mérite [ masculine ]

    • I do the work, and she takes the credit. Je fais le travail et elle reçoit tous les honneurs.

    • They did not give him credit for his ideas. Ils ne lui ont pas accordé le mérite de ses idées.

  • 3 official recognition, expressed in points, of completion of an academic class, or these points -- unité [ feminine ] d’enseignement

    • a class worth three credits un cours qui vaut trois UV

    • She will be given full credit for the class. Elle va avoir toutes les unités de valeur pour ce cours.

  • 4 an amount of money added to a bank account -- crédit [ masculine ]

  • 5 time allowed for payment of goods etc after they have been received -- crédit


Examples of credit

  • I think their professionalism in the situation deserves much credit.

  • We can also claim credit for slimming down the original proposal and giving it more focus.

  • She deserves the credit for the work that has been done.

  • So employers would be better served by a course in how to assess a customer's credit-worthiness.

  • It is important that we know who the actors are and what their credit rating is.

  • That is why the intervention of credit rating agencies, which continue to be extremely harmful despite having lost all of their credibility, must be properly controlled.

  • The credit crisis is also a reflection of this course.

  • The second problem is one of credits and delay in payment.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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