beauty Définition En Français

  • 0 the quality of being beautiful -- beauté [ feminine ]

    • the beauty of the music/poetry la beauté de la musique/poésie

    • her beauty sa beauté

  • 1 the advantage of sth -- l’intérêt de qqch

    • The beauty of this model is that it folds up to fit in your pocket. L’intérêt de ce modèle est qu’il se replie et peut tenir dans la poche.

  • 2 a quality very pleasing to the eye, ear etc -- beauté

  • 3 a woman or girl having such a quality -- beauté

  • 4 something or someone remarkable -- merveille, beauté

    • His new car is a beauty!


Examples of beauty

  • This should be no beauty pageant.

  • Seafaring people have also created their own culture, which we should protect with no less care than the natural environment, the beauty of the landscape and material wealth.

  • It was a city of enviable beauty.

  • What we do not need is a beauty contest between leaders, a cacophony of diverging scenarios, or announcements that are not followed by action.

  • It is not only beauty that is at issue, but also the balance of nature and the good of mankind.

  • With the new cosmetics directive, however, precisely the opposite is true: beauty, hygiene and well-being without risk.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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