stamp Significado & definición

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Significado de stamp en español

  • 0 a small piece of paper that you buy and stick onto a letter before you post it -- sello

  • 1 a tool for putting a special ink mark on something, or the mark made by it -- sello, matasellos

  • 2 to make a mark on something with a tool that you put ink on and press down -- sellar

  • 3 to put your foot down on the ground hard and quickly, often to show anger -- pisar fuerte, golpear

  • 4 an official mark or picture in the corner of a letter to show that postage has been paid -- sello [ masculine, singular ]

    • a first class stamp un sello de primera clase

  • 5 a small tool that makes a special mark when you put ink on it and push it onto paper -- sello [ masculine, singular ]

    • a stamp with her initials un sello con sus iniciales

  • 6 the mark a stamp makes -- sello [ masculine, singular ]

    • a letter with the college’s official stamp on it una carta con el sello oficial de la universidad.

  • 7 sth that shows that sb likes sth -- sello de aprobación

    • My boyfriend received my parents’ stamp of approval. Mi novio recibió el sello de aprobación de mis padres.

  • 8 to put a mark on sth using a stamp -- sellar

  • 9 to put your foot down hard -- pisar

    • The elephants stamped and trumpeted. Los elefantes pisotearon y trompetearon.

    • She stamped her foot and cried. Ella se pisó el pie y lloró.

  • 10 to walk by putting your feet down hard -- pisar fuerte

    • We stamped around trying to get warm. Pisoteamos por ahí tratando de calentarnos.

Más definiciones de stamp

Ejemplos de stamp

  • It is as if they were meant to be stamped with the words 'checked and found fraudproof'!

  • This is a balanced solution, taking into account to the greatest possible degree the interests of all parties; it should also not result in increased prices for stamps.

Más ejemplos de stamp

Traducciones de stamp en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    信函, 郵票, 標記…

  • 中文简体

    信函, 邮票, 标记…

  • Português

    selo, carimbo, carimbar…

  • 日本語

    切手, スタンプ, ~をスタンプで押す…

  • Türk dili

    pul, posta pulu, damga…

  • Français

    timbre [masculine], tampon [masculine], cachet [masculine]…

  • Catalan

    segell, mata-segells, segellar…

  • العربية

    طَابِع, خِتْم, يَخْتِم…

Más traducciones de stamp