
Estas son palabras definitions relacionadas con join. Haga clic en cualquier palabra para ir a la página de detalles de su palabra. O, ir a la definición de join.

Significado de join en español

  • 0 to become a member of an organization

    • He joined the army when he was 18.

  • 1 to do something or go somewhere with someone

    • Would you like to join us for dinner?

  • 2 to fasten or connect things together

  • 3 to meet at a particular point

  • 4 the place where two or more things are fastened together

  • 5 to become a member of an organization or group, or to begin working somewhere

    • to join a club/union/movement etc. unirse a un club/sindicato/movimiento etc.

    • when I joined the army in 2002 cuando me uní al ejército en 2002

    • to join the online community unirse a la comunidad en línea

    • groups that only men could join grupos a los que solo hombres podrían unirse

  • 6 to connect two things, or become connected

    • He joined the edges together with glue. Juntó los bordes con pegamento.

    • a method for joining aluminum to steel un método para unir aluminio con acero

  • 7 to come to the same place to do sth together

    • Two other people will be joining us later. Otras dos personas se nos unirán más tarde.

    • The tanks were joined by artillery and more soldiers. Se les unió artillería y más soldados a los tanques.

  • 8 indicates you have had the same bad experience as sb you are talking to

    • “I could never afford to do that!” “Yeah, join the club!” “¡Nunca podría permitirme hacer eso! “Sí, ¡bienvenido al club!”

  • 9 to come together to work toward a goal

  • 10 to hold sb’s hand in yours

    • They all joined hands and sang. Todos se dieron la mano y cantaron.

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