
  • En [ riːtʃ]
  • Us [ riːtʃ]


  • 0 to arrive at a place, especially after spending a long time or a lot of effort travelling -- (尤指经过很长时间或费很大气力旅行后)到达,抵达

    • We won't reach Miami until five or six o'clock. 我们得五六点钟才能到达迈阿密。

    • They finally reached the coast after five weeks sailing. 他们经过5个星期的航行终于靠了岸。

    • News of his accident had only just reached us. 我们刚刚得到他出事的消息。

    • She reached the conclusion that there was no more she could do. 她得出结论,她再也没有什么可做的了。

    • We'll inform you when a decision has been reached. 作出决定后我们就通知你。

    • The jury took four days to reach a verdict. 陪审团花了4天时间才作出裁决。

  • 1 to get to a particular level, especially a high one -- 达到,发展到,提升到(尤指高的水平等)

    • The temperature is expected to reach 30°C today. 今天的气温预计会达到30℃。

    • He's just reached the grand old age of 95. 他刚到95岁高龄。

    • I've reached the point where I'm not going to put up with her criticisms of me any more. 我已经受够了,我再也不能忍受她这样非难我了。

  • 2 to stretch out your arm in order to get or touch something -- 伸出手臂(去拿或触摸),伸手及到

    • She's grown so tall that she can reach the door handle now. 她个子长高了,能够着门把手。

    • He reached for the phone and knocked over a glass. 他伸手去拿电话时,碰倒了一个杯子。

    • The child reached down/out/over and picked up the kitten. 那个孩子弯腰伸手/伸出手/把手伸过去抱起那只小猫。

    • He reached his hand out for the money. 他伸手去拿钱。

    • [ + two objects ] UK Can you reach me (down) that book? 你能帮我把那本书拿下来吗?

    • The ladder won't quite reach the top of the wall. 这架梯子够不着墙头。

    • She was wearing a dress that reached (to) her ankles. 她身穿一件长及脚踝的连衣裙。

  • 3 to communicate with someone in a different place, especially by phone or email -- (尤指通过电话或信件)和…联系,与…取得联系

  • 4 Your reach is the distance within which you can stretch out your arm and touch something. -- 伸手可及的距离

    • I like to keep a notebook and pencil within (arm's) reach. 我喜欢把笔记本和铅笔放在随手可及的地方。

    • The top shelf is within/out of (his) reach. 架子最高层的隔板(他)够得着/够不着。

    • Make sure that you keep all dangerous substances out of the reach of the children. 一定要把所有危险物品放在孩子拿不到的地方。

    • We live within (easy) reach of the station. 我们家离车站很近。

    • You've got quite a long reach - can you get that box down from the top shelf for me? 你胳膊长——能替我从最高的架子上把那个盒子拿下来吗?

    • He made a sudden reach for his gun. 他突然伸手去拿枪。



We can complete it step by step however long the road is and it can't be completed however short the road is if you don't even mark your footprint.









