
  • 0 to believe something or have an opinion or idea -- 相信;觉得;思考

    • She's always thinking of others. 她总是替他人着想。

    • I didn't think much of her latest book. 我觉得她最新出版的书不怎么样。

    • I think it is important to learn English. 我认为学英语是很重要的。

    • What do you think about the latest plans for improving the underground system? 你觉得这个改善地铁系统的最新计划怎么样?

    • Salmon used to be thought of as expensive/a luxury. 鲑鱼一度被认为是昂贵的/是奢侈品。

    • What did you think of the film? 你觉得这部电影怎么样?

    • [ + to infinitive ] He was thought to have boarded the plane in New York. 据信他已在纽约上了飞机。

    • "Do you think (that) you could get me some stamps while you're in town?" 你进城的时候帮我买些邮票好吗?

    • I don't think Emma will get the job. 我认为埃玛不会获得这份工作。

    • [ + (that) ] I think (that) I've met you before. 我觉得以前见过你。

  • 1 to use the brain to decide to do something -- 思考,考虑(动脑筋决定做某事)

  • 2 to use the brain to plan something, solve a problem, understand a situation, etc. -- 考虑,想,思索

    • "What did you say?" "Oh, nothing, I was just thinking aloud." “你说什么了?”“啊,没什么,我只是在自言自语。”

    • I know it's exciting, but you should think twice before you spend that much money on a vacation. 我知道这很让人兴奋,但是在假期上花那么多钱之前要仔细考虑一下。

    • Think long and hard before you make any important decisions. 在你作出重要决定之前要深思熟虑。

    • I'm sorry I forgot to mention your name. I just wasn't thinking. 对不起,我忘了提你的名字。我真糊涂。

    • You think too much - that's your problem. 你想得太多——这是你的问题。

    • He just does these things without thinking and he gets himself into trouble. 他做这些没有经过仔细考虑,结果弄得一团糟。

    • What are you thinking, Peter? 彼得,你在想什么呢?

  • 3 to remember or imagine -- 想起;设想

    • She was so busy she didn't think to tell me about it. 她实在是太忙了,没有想起要告诉我这件事。

    • I was just thinking about you when you called. 你打来电话时我正在想你。

  • 4 to consider something for some time -- 考虑,思索,思考

    • Have a think over the weekend and tell me what you've decided. 周末先好好想想,再告诉我你的决定。

    • Let me have a think about it before I decide. 在我作出决定前先让我考虑考虑。



  • What if past thought were not always surpassed thought?

  • It helps me to think things through systematically and adopt resolve to take action, and it reminds me of my own past thinking.

  • Some participants reported that the threat was current and ongoing, while others did not think it would happen for over 6 months.

  • We incline to think that the latter change, in contrast to the former, represents a cognitive improvement in our condition.

  • Indeed, representations in the brain are not thought by visual neuroscientists to be point-by-point picture-like representations.

  • In this commentary we raise two issues that we think are directly related to the theory's treatment of mental representations as emulations.

  • I think the ascetic world reinforced my feeling that they were important.

  • It is difficult to find a single refugee who thinks that they will be returning home any time in the near future.








