
  • En [ ˈtrʌb.əl]
  • Us [ ˈtrʌb.əl]


  • 0 problems or difficulties -- 问题,困难,麻烦

    • The tax forms were complicated and I had a lot of trouble with them. 这张税务表格十分复杂,我填起来很费劲。

    • Their problems seem to be over for the moment, but there could be more trouble ahead. 问题眼下看起来是过去了,但以后可能会有更多的麻烦。

    • The trouble started/began when my father came to live with us. 父亲来和我们一起住之后,麻烦就开始了。

    • [ + -ing verb ] Parents often have trouble finding good carers for their children. 做父母的常常难以找到好的看护者照顾小孩子。

    • We started holding meetings by phone, as travelling in and out of the city became too much trouble. 我们开始召开电话会议,因为进出城市都很麻烦。

    • I should get it finished over the weekend without too much trouble. 我周末应该可以不费太大力气就能完成它。

    • You'll only be storing up trouble for the future if you don't go to the dentist now. 如果你现在不去看牙医,就是在给将来找麻烦。

    • She thought her troubles would be over once she'd got divorced. 她原以为一旦离了婚她的麻烦就会结束。

    • His birthday is the least of my troubles at the moment - I don't even have enough money to pay the rent. 眼下我根本顾不上他的生日——我连付租金的钱都不够。

    • Most of the current troubles stem from (= are caused by) our new computer system. 目前大部分的问题源自于我们的新计算机系统。

    • He's never been in trouble with his teachers before. 他以前从来没有受过老师的批评。

    • She'll be in big trouble if she scratches Sam's car. 如果刮坏了萨姆的汽车她就会倒大霉。

    • He got into financial trouble after his divorce. 离婚后,他在经济上陷入了困境。

    • I hope you won't get into trouble because of what I said to your dad. 我希望你不会因我对你爸爸说了那些话而受罚。

    • The camp is a great way of getting kids off the street and keeping them out of trouble. 让小孩子去度假营是个很好的办法,这样可以让他们远离街头,不会惹是生非。

    • I hope I haven't landed you in trouble with your boss. 我希望你没有因为我而受到老板的训斥。

    • The marriage ran into trouble because of her husband's heavy drinking. 由于丈夫酗酒,她的婚姻陷入了危机。

    • The company will be in serious/real trouble if we lose this contract. 如果我们失去这份合同,公司将陷入严重的困境。

    • He's stayed out of trouble since he was released from jail last year. 他自去年出狱以来一直没有再惹麻烦。

    • The trouble with this carpet is that it gets dirty very easily. 这种地毯的缺点是易脏。

    • It's a brilliant idea. The only trouble is that we don't know how much it will cost. 这个想法非常好。唯一的问题是我们不知道这样要花多少钱。

    • Ron's trouble is that he's too impatient. 罗恩的缺点是太没有耐心。

    • The plane developed engine trouble shortly after take-off. 飞机起飞不久引擎就出现了故障。

    • They have a good reputation for building reliable trouble-free cars. 他们制造的汽车耐用、无故障,口碑很好。

    • Her knee trouble is expected to keep her out of the game for the rest of the season. 由于膝伤,她可能无法参加本赛季余下的比赛。

    • Listen, I don't want any trouble in here, so please just finish your drink and leave. 听着,我可不想这儿出什么乱子,请你赶快喝完走人。

    • My parents said we had to leave at the first sign of trouble. 我父母说一看见出了乱子就马上离开。

    • My little brother's always trying to stir up (= create) trouble between me and my boyfriend. 我的小弟总是想挑起我和男朋友之间的争吵。

  • 1 slight problems or effort -- 不便,麻烦;工夫,力气

    • I didn't mean to cause you any trouble. 我并不想给你添任何麻烦。

    • "I'd love some more coffee, if it isn't too much trouble." "Oh, it's no trouble at all." “如果不太麻烦的话,我还想要些咖啡。”“噢,一点也不麻烦。”

    • I don't want to put you to any trouble (= create any work for you). 我不想给你添任何麻烦。

    • [ + to infinitive ] If you took the trouble to listen to what I was saying, you'd know what I was talking about. 如果你用心听我讲了,你就会明白我讲的是什么。

    • They went to a lot of trouble (= made a lot of effort) for their dinner party, but half the guests didn't bother to turn up. 他们费了很大的劲准备晚宴,可是竟有半数的客人没来。

    • It's annoying, but I don't think I'll go to the trouble of making an official complaint. 这太烦人了,可我觉得我不会费劲去提出正式投诉。

  • 2 to cause someone to be worried or nervous -- 使烦恼,使苦恼;使忧虑

    • I asked her what was troubling her, but she didn't want to talk. 我问她是不是有什么烦心事,但是她不想说。

    • Many of us are deeply troubled by the chairman's decision. 我们许多人对主席的决定深感不安。

    • [ + (that) ] It troubles me (that) you didn't discuss your problems with me earlier. 你没有早点与我讨论你的问题,这使我感到不安。

  • 3 to cause someone to have a problem or difficulties -- 折磨,使有麻烦

    • He has been troubled by a knee injury for most of the season. 本赛季的大部分时间里,他都受到膝伤的困扰。

  • 4 to cause someone a small amount of effort -- 麻烦;使费神





  • 中文繁体

    困難, 問題,困難,麻煩, 窘境,困境…

  • Español

    problema(s), problemas, líos…

  • Português

    problemas, dificuldade, problema…

  • 日本語

    問題, 困難, 不具合…

  • Türk dili

    sorunlar, güçlükler, endişeler…

  • Français

    ennuis [masculine, plural], problème [masculine]…

  • Catalan

    problema, problemes, embolic…

  • العربية

    مَشاكِل, مُشْكِلة, عِلّة…








