
  • 0 to give someone or something a name, or to know or address someone by a particular name -- 给…取名,给…命名;称呼

    • Tom's worried that if he wears glasses at school the other children will call him names. 汤姆担心如果他在学校戴眼镜会被其他孩子取笑。

    • I wish he wouldn't keep calling me "dear" - it's so patronizing! 我希望他不要老是叫我“亲爱的”——太居高临下了!

    • What's her new novel called? 她的新小说叫什么名字?

    • His real name is Jonathan, but they've always called him Johnny. 他的真名叫乔纳森,但他们总是叫他“约翰尼”。

    • What's that actor called that we saw in the film last night? 我们昨晚在电影里看到的那个演员叫什么名字?

    • They've called the twins Edward and Thomas. 他们给双胞胎取名为爱德华和托马斯。

  • 1 to use a phone to talk to someone -- 打电话

    • Do you think we should call the police? 你觉得我们应该报警吗?

    • I've been calling all morning but I can't get through. 我一早上都在打电话,可是没打通。

    • She called (me) this morning at the office and we had a brief chat. 今天早上她打电话到我的办公室,我们简短地闲聊了会儿。

    • He called (you) last night when you were out. 昨晚你不在时,他(给你)打过电话。

  • 2 to consider someone or something to be -- 称…为;把…看作

    • I don't aspire to anything very grand - I just want a place I can call my own. 我不奢望特别气派的东西——我只想拥有一个属于我自己的地方。

    • I'm not calling you a liar - I'm just suggesting that you misunderstood the facts of the situation. 我没说你在撒谎——我只是提醒一下,你误解了实际情形。

    • One sandwich and a lettuce leaf - I don't call that a meal! 一个三明治和一片生菜叶——我可不把那叫一顿饭!

    • He knows a lot of people, but only one or two that he'd call close friends. 他认识很多人,但他称之为亲密朋友的只有一两个。

  • 3 to say something in a loud voice, especially in order to attract someone's attention, or (of animals) to make a loud, high sound, especially to another animal -- 叫,呼喊;呼叫;(动物)鸣叫

    • She called for order/called the meeting to order. 她要求会场安静下来。

    • The blackbird called to its mate. 乌鸫呼唤它的配偶。

    • [ + speech ] "Hey, you! Come over here!" she called. “嗨,你!到这儿来!”她叫道。

    • Did you call? 是你在叫吗?

    • Someone in the crowd called (out) his name. 人群中有人大声叫(出)他的名字。

  • 4 to ask someone to come to you -- 叫来;召,召唤

    • At school she was always being called into the headteacher's office. 在学校时,她总是被叫到校长办公室去。

    • I was called to an emergency meeting this morning. 我今早被叫去参加一个紧急会议。

    • I keep the bedroom door open in case the children call (for) me in the night. 我让卧室门开着,以防孩子们晚上叫我。

    • She called me over to where she was sitting. 她把我叫到了她坐着的地方。

  • 5 to visit someone, especially for a short time -- (尤指短暂的)拜访,造访

    • The electrician must have called (round) this morning when we were out - there's a note on the door mat. 今天上午我们出去的时候电工一定来过了——门垫上留了张字条。



  • It may be called the structural orientation of the proof-structure.

  • Examination of these themes calls for considerable basic information about inter-war suburbs and how they were created.

  • If the second field is an index, then the relation is called an index map.

  • The start-up code calls the first function and then enters an infinite loop.

  • The approach is a consequence of a new sequential tabling scheme based on dynamic reordering of alternatives with variant calls.

  • In particular, we must address the situation where we recursively call a tabled subgoal before we have fully tabled all its answers.

  • Extremists of this view, called 'instrumentalists', believe that all or most knowledge productivity will increase provided the right information systems are implemented.

  • His final curtain call was the tumble he took off his toilet, naked and with the hypodermic needle still stuck in his arm.








