
These are word's definitions related to wonder. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于wonder的信息


  • 0 to ask yourself questions or express a wish to know about something

    • [ + question word ] Shouldn't you phone home? Your parents will be wondering where you are. 你是不是最好给家里打个电话?你父母会想知道你在哪儿的。

    • He's starting to wonder whether he did the right thing in accepting this job. 他现在开始怀疑自己接受这份工作是否正确。

    • [ + speech ] Will this turkey be big enough for eight, I wonder? 我不知道这只火鸡够不够8个人吃。

    • "Have you decided where you're going next summer?" "I've been wondering about (= considering) going to Florida." “你决定好明年夏天去哪里了吗?”“我一直在考虑去佛罗里达。”

    • We were wondering if/whether you'd like to have dinner with us some time? 不知道你是否愿意什么时候跟我们一起吃顿晚饭?

    • [ + question word ] I wonder whether you could pass me the butter? 你能不能把黄油递给我?

    • I wonder if you could give me some information about places to visit in the area? 不知你能否给我提供一些这个地区可供游玩的地方的情况。

  • 1 to feel or express great surprise at something

    • [ + (that) ] I don't wonder (that) she burst into tears after the way you spoke to her. 你那样对她说话,难怪她会突然哭起来。

  • 2 a feeling of great surprise and admiration caused by seeing or experiencing something that is strange and new

    • The sight of the Grand Canyon stretching out before them filled them with wonder. 大峡谷展现在眼前的景象让他们惊叹万分。

    • The boys gazed in wonder at the shiny red Ferrari. 男孩子们惊讶地盯着那辆锃亮的红色法拉利跑车。

    • We spent a week visiting the wonders of Ancient Greek civilization. 我们花了一周时间游览古希腊文明的奇观。

    • With all the wonders of modern technology, why has no one come up with a way to make aircraft quieter? 既然现代科技创造了如此多的奇迹,为什么没人想个办法让飞行更安静一些呢?

    • Our new babysitter's a wonder - she'll come at very short notice and the kids love her. 我们家新来的保姆确实非常能干——她能在接到通知后很快赶来,而且孩子们也喜欢她。








