
These are word's definitions related to which. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于which的信息


  • 0 (used in questions and structures in which there is a fixed or limited set of answers or possibilities) what one or ones

    • Which party would you prefer to go to - Anna's or Dan's ? 你更想去哪个聚会——安娜的还是丹的?

    • Which doctor did you see - Seward? 你看的是哪一位医生——苏厄德医生吗?

    • Which time suits you better - 12.30 or one o'clock? 哪个时间你更方便——12点半还是1点?

    • "Jacinta was there with her boyfriend." "Which one? She has several." “雅辛塔和她的男朋友在那边。”“哪个男朋友?她有好几个。”

    • Which is mine? The smaller one? 哪个是我的?小一点的这个?

    • See if you can guess which one is me in my old school photo. 看看你能否看出上学时的老照片中哪个是我。

    • It's either Spanish or Portuguese that she speaks, but I've forgotten which. 她说的要么是西班牙语,要么是葡萄牙语,我忘了是哪一种了。

    • Which of the desserts did you have? 你吃的是哪一种甜点?

    • Which of your parents do you feel closer to? 你觉得跟父母哪一方更亲近?

  • 1 used to add extra information to a previous clause, in writing usually after a comma

    • That bar on Milton Street, which by the way is very nice, is owned by Trevor's brother. 米尔顿大街上的那家酒吧,顺便提一句那里非常棒,是特雷弗的哥哥开的。

    • She says it's Charlotte's fault, which is stupid, and that she blames her. 她说那是夏洛特的错,真是一派胡言,竟然还责怪她。

    • Anyway, that evening, which I'll tell you more about later, I ended up staying at Rachel's place. 总之,那天夜里我住在了雷切尔那里,我以后会告诉你更多那天晚上的事。

    • It's the third in a sequence of three books, the first of which I really enjoyed. 这是那套系列书里的第三本,该系列共有三本,我非常喜欢其中的第一本。

    • He showed me round the town, which was very kind of him. 他带我参观了这个城镇,他真是太好了。

    • The picking of the fruit, for which work they receive no money, takes about a week. 采摘水果,这项工作没有工资,大约花1周时间。

  • 2 used as the subject or object of a verb to show what thing or things you are referring to, or to add information about the thing just mentioned. It is usually used for things, not people








