
These are word's definitions related to scratch. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于scratch的信息


  • 0 to cut or damage a surface or your skin slightly with or on something sharp or rough

    • We scratched the wall trying to get the bed into Martha's room. 我们把床搬进玛莎的房间里时,把墙面给划坏了。

    • Be careful not to scratch yourself on the roses. 当心不要被玫瑰刺扎伤。

    • A few chickens were scratching about/around (= searching with their beaks) in the yard for grain. 几只鸡在院子里到处扒寻谷粒吃。

    • People have been scratching their names on this rock for years. 许多年来人们都在这块岩石上刻写名字。

    • I scratched some paint off the door as I was getting out of the car. 我下车时蹭掉了车门上的一些漆。

    • The dog's scratching at the door - he wants to be let in. 狗用爪子抓门——它想进来。

    • He was scratching (at) his mosquito bites. 他在抓挠蚊子咬过的地方。

    • Hannah scratched her head thoughtfully. 汉娜一边思索一边挠头。

  • 1 to remove yourself or another person or an animal from a competition before the start

    • The world champion scratched from the 800 metres after injuring herself the day before. 这位世界冠军在比赛前一天受了伤,只好退出800米赛跑。

    • They scratched the horse from the race because she had become lame. 由于马瘸了腿,所以他们让它退出了比赛。

  • 2 to decide not to do something you had planned to do

    • We had to scratch our plans when I lost my job. 我失业了,我们不得不取消计划。

  • 3 a mark made by scratching

    • Her legs were covered in scratches and bruises after her walk through the forest. 她步行穿过森林,腿上满是擦伤和瘀青。

    • There was a scratch on the CD. CD上有道划痕。

    • Amazingly, he survived the accident without a scratch (= without suffering any injuries at all). 令人惊奇的是,他在这场事故中幸存了下来,而且毫发未损。

    • That dog is having a good scratch. It must have fleas. 狗在使劲地挠痒,它身上一定有跳蚤。

  • 4 a group of people brought together in a hurry in order to play together on a particular occasion








