
These are word's definitions related to once. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于once的信息


  • 0 one single time

    • I went sailing once, but I didn't like it. 我玩过一次帆船,不过我不喜欢。

    • We have lunch together once a month. 我们每个月在一起吃一次午餐。

    • They all started talking at once. 他们同时开始讲起话来。

    • For once, the bus came on time. 难得一次公共汽车准点到达。

    • All right, I'll lend you the money - just this once. 好吧,我把钱借给你——仅此一回。

    • Once again, racist attacks are increasing across Europe. 种族主义攻势在整个欧洲又开始抬头。

    • I'd like to visit the campus once more before we leave. 我想在我们离开之前再去参观一下大学。

    • When my father came home, everything felt right once more. 当父亲回到家时,一切又变好了。

    • I've seen him once or twice in town. 我在城里见过他几次。

    • We meet for lunch once in a while. 我们偶尔见面吃顿午餐。

    • Our intention is to destroy their offensive capability once and for all. 我们的目的是彻底摧毁他们的进攻能力。

    • An opportunity as good as this arises once in a lifetime. 像这样好的机会可是千载难逢呀。

    • I've only played rugby the once, and I never want to play it again. 我只打过一次橄榄球,我再也不想打了。

  • 1 in the past, but not now

  • 2 as soon as, or from the moment when

    • Once I've found somewhere to live I'll send you my address. 我一找到住的地方就把地址告诉你。

    • Remember that you won't be able to cancel the contract once you've signed. 记住一旦你签了字就不能取消合同了。

    • I knew at once that I'd like it here. 我立刻知道我会喜欢这里的。








