
  • 0 still; until the present time -- 還,尚;迄今

    • No ambulances had as yet managed to get across the river. 到目前為止還沒有救護車順利過河。

    • We haven't needed extra staff as yet, but we may in the future. 到目前為止,我們尚不需要增加員工,但將來也許會需要。

    • Of all the songs I've heard tonight, that's the best yet. 在我今晚聽到的所有歌中,那首是最好的。

    • "Are you ready?" "Not yet - wait a minute." 「你準備好了嗎?」「還沒有──稍等。」

    • He hasn't finished yet. 他還沒完成。

    • I haven't spoken to her yet. 我還沒和她談過。

  • 1 from now and for a particular period of time in the future -- 從現在起至將來某個時間,還

    • They have yet to make a decision. 他們還沒有作出決定。

    • Our holiday isn't for weeks yet. 我們的假期還遠著呢。

    • She won't be back for a long time yet. 她很長一段時間都不會回來的。

  • 2 even at this stage or time -- 仍然,還

    • He may win yet. 他仍有可能勝出。

    • You might yet prove me wrong. 你也許還會證明我是錯的。

    • We could yet succeed - you never know. 我們仍然有可能成功——誰也說不好。

  • 3 used to add emphasis to words such as another and again, especially to show an increase in amount or the number of times something happens -- 再,還(用於強調 another 或 again 之類的詞,尤指數量增加或某事發生頻繁)

    • He's given us yet more work to do. 他又給我們安排了很多工作。

    • I'm sorry to bother you yet again. 我很抱歉又來麻煩你。

    • Rachel bought yet another pair of shoes to add to her collection. 雷切爾已經有那麼多鞋,居然又買了一雙。

  • 4 (and) despite that; used to add something that seems surprising because of what you have just said -- 然而,儘管



  • The owner's conclusion was straightforward, yet not unproblematic.

  • Yet how might the avowed contextualist thereby account for style-change in music?

  • Yet just like its processual precedent, it has developed from theoretical avant-garde to academic establishment.

  • Yet this ruling class ideology was and remains one of cultural synthesis.

  • It prioritizes community needs yet is based on a willingness to target interventions at the individual, community or systems level.

  • Yet, growing into old age has taught me to be honest with myself.

  • This may be the most practical guide yet for music educators who are searching for authenticity in their world musics teaching.

  • Yet despite the initial optimism surrounding it, the commission almost immediately suffered setbacks.








