
  • 0 to think about problems or unpleasant things that might happen in a way that makes you feel unhappy and frightened -- 擔心;憂慮;發愁

    • The continued lack of rain is starting to worry people. 持續少雨開始令人們擔憂起來。

    • [ + that ] It worries me that he hasn't phoned yet. 他還沒有打電話,這令我有些擔憂。

    • You worried your mother by not writing. 你沒有寫信,這令你媽媽很擔心。

    • [ + (that) ] She's worried (that) she might not be able to find another job. 她擔心自己無法再找到一份工作。

    • It's silly worrying about things which are outside your control. 為自己無法掌控的事發愁是很愚蠢的。

    • Don't worry, she'll be all right. 別擔心,她會沒事的。

    • Try not to worry - there's nothing you can do to change the situation. 別發愁了——你沒法改變這種局面。

  • 1 If a dog worries another animal, it chases and frightens it and might also bite it. -- (狗)追趕,撕咬(其他動物)

    • Any dog caught worrying sheep in these fields will be shot. 這些牧場裡只要發現有狗攻擊羊隻,狗就會被射殺。

  • 2 a problem that makes you feel unhappy and frightened -- 令人擔心(或發愁)的事

    • It was clear that Anna had no worries about her husband's attempts to flirt. 非常明顯,安娜對她丈夫幾次想與人調情並不感到憂慮。

    • Unemployment, bad health - all sorts of things can be a cause of worry. 失業、健康狀況不佳——各種各樣的事都可能會產生煩惱。

    • Keeping warm in the winter is a major worry for many old people. 冬天如何保暖對很多老年人來說是一件令人擔憂的大事。

    • health/financial worries 健康/財務上的煩惱

  • 3 used to tell someone that a situation is acceptable, even if something has gone wrong -- (用以告訴某人)不必擔心,沒關係

    • "Oh, I'm sorry I got your name wrong!" "No worries". 「噢,對不起,我把你的名字弄錯了。」「沒關係。」



  • However, there are other worries in the same vicinity.

  • Instead, education is needed so that public fears track the real risks, and people worry about only what they ought to be worried about.

  • Lending to a wife probably did not happen very often because it was too risky for lenders worried about delays in repayment.

  • Several relatives were worried by their poor understanding of the complexities of the local authority's policies and practices in respect to self-funded admissions.

  • Nineteenth-century commentators worried that museum-goers would go too far toward one or the other of these extremes.

  • This would mean that we would not have to worry about the extremes of this distribution.

  • Once we did not much worry about what the public brought with them to exhibits, but that is not the case anymore.

  • They also worried that the addition of the working poor would expand by millions the numbers of those eligible for assistance.








